How would hobbit characters react to a stolen darling ?

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This dwarf is on the war path . He is ready to destroy and make that person pay in the most excruciating way possible. If it's a human or a dwarf once he gets you back he makes an example out of them. And let's just say no one ever comes near you again after that . But if it's an elf . You thought his temper was bad . If it's an elf he is ready to go to war with the elves and he will fight tooth and nail to get you. When he hasn't got you near he is unhinged, his temper has been x100. Your his calmness to his storm so without you he is a force to be reckoned with.


Fili at first won't believe you have been taken he thinks it's a joke or a prank. But when he realises that it isn't a joke he is searching everywhere for you . His uncle thorin is the first to know you have been taken and he immediately aids Fili by sending out search parties for you. His heart hurts knowing that he couldn't protect you that's the whole reason he kept you in your room to protect you. So he is distraught and angry . When he finds who took you he is ready to fight them to the death.once he sees you though his anger disappears like his mind had gone blank and the only thing he can think of is holding you in his to say he tends to upgrade security around you and he will PERSONALLY take care of whoever took you ...


Oh god. He is a mess without you , constantly crying and lashing out at everyone. He can't sleep ,eat or do anything really without you. Your the reason he gets up in the morning your his god/goddess. He doesn't have to reach out to anyone to get help since they are already worried about him and are on it. People try to comfort him but it's useless he only wants you. After he finish out he took you . He is livid. Once he gets hands on them it gets messy he won't remove you from the room like Fili would .know kili wants you to see how devoted to you he is so when he kills the person in front of you and uses that persons blood to decorate the floor be grateful you aren't a cleaner cause your never truly going to get that stain out of the stone. Once he has punished that person he is taking you back to your room and as you rest on the bed he cry's on your chest. Weeping about how much he wants/needs you.


He is shocked when he gets the news you have been taken.who would dare take you from him and how did they escape his guards. He definitely kills any guards that we're supposed to be watching you and had failed. He then is emotionless quietly coming up with a plan . Who ever stole you must be stupid or looking to anger him there is no other reason they could of done it in his mind. If it's an elf they are publicly executed by beheading . If human or dwarf did it well they still be publicly executed but in a more brutal manner. Then he will act like nothing happened.


He is PANICKING.everything in his way is immediately thrown to the side . His father hears about this and immediately sends guards to get you back. And then he would try and reassure Legolas you would return to him shortly. His father takes care of the idiot who took you while Legolas holds you like his life depends on it . Whispering words of praise and affection on how brave you were and how he would never let it happen again. After the indecent he is stuck to your side more so than before.

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