Obsessed thorin king under the mountain x reader part 3

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I woke up from the sound of banging. Last night I had managed to escape Thorin and peoples demands on the wedding. I had hoped people would leave me alone to let me think of ways I could escape the situation I was in. But as I opened the door I was greeted with a dozen women . Women who held silk and fabrics that were beautiful unworldly white. They all barged in.

One women moved me to the middle of the room as the others started pulling out measuring tapes and comparing fabrics. Barely a wake they hounded me with questions.

Is this fabric to your liking ?

What Jems would you like my queen?

Are you excited?

How long have you and the king been courting?

Befor I could even think about answering one of the questions. Loud knock on the door interrupted, it swung open to reveal a guard.

'My queen the king wishes to speak to you now'


'He did not say but he waits for you in Thor's hoard'

I nodded my headed and followed. What more could he want now ? Wait maybe he wished to call off the engagement! This could be him apologising and letting me go ! A spark of hopelessness ran through me as we walked through the great halls until we reached the treasury.

There he stood . Staring into the gold .

'Do not shy from me y/n .come closer I wish to speak to you .'

I walked cautiously over until I was next to him.

'Thorin I understand there had been a misunderstanding but I'm sure we can sort it out if we could just-'
He cut me off mid sentence.

' misunderstanding. No my love there has been no misunderstanding. I love you more then this gold. I breathe only for you. That is why I wish to make you my wife.my one. Queen under the mountain! Mother to my future children....

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