Obsessed thorin king under the mountain x reader part 4

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After the talk with thorin I was mortified. I had no escape . It was like when he had gold sicknesses but this time instead of the gold it was me. I had tried to talk to others about it but they ignored me as if they were trying to avoid the king's wrath.

It was nearly the day that I would be wed to thorin. I was unable to escape for the guards kept the only door locked and only tiny windows that's let little light in . I needed to escape. I did not want to be a queen locked in a home forced to push out heirs of an obsessive husband.

Im sure thorin would make a lovely husband but my heart did not and would never be in love with him.

I looked in too the body mirror staring at my form. I looked paler more fragile from the lack of sunlight. It didn't help I wasn't eating much hoping that would make thorin let me out . But much to my displeasure it seemed he was too stubborn.

The beautiful dress that hung up, made me feel sick to my stomach. I had no one to turn too. I had no escape . And when I walked down to thorin I will sign my freedom away. Forever trapped in the lonely mountain.

Maybe I could of loved thorin before I became close friends. But how could I love him now ?

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