Dwalin x reader head canons

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•he definitely doesn't approve of you coming on the journey when he first sees you. He thinks you are too gentle and kind to be a fighter.

• however in a way it helps him he wants to show you that he is strong and can take care of you and what better way to see that then when he is in action.

•he will make sure your comfortable and will death glare at anyone who dares to even look at you the wrong way.

• he won't say much to you but he proves he cares for you in acts of service for instance your bag looks heavy let him carry it for you. You are cold here take his coat he doesn't mind.

• he is gentleman he may not have table manners but he knows how to treat someone that means so much to him.

•if someone makes you cry they will be begging for forgiveness because he isn't gonna hold back when someone is mean to his one.

• definitely told thorin and balin because he wants their advice doesn't dare tell anyone else.

• gets flustered very easily if you compliment him on his fighting skills .

•if you can cook be prepared this dwarf is gonna be asking you too cook ALL the time since he can't.

•after the battle he confesses to you about his feelings. And if you agree to being with him be prepared he is the best friend to the king and you are going to get everything you want and more .

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now