Ori x reader headcanons

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•ori is gonna be shy he prefers books then people . So when you show up he is 10x more shy. Don't take it to an offence if he doesn't talk to you he just doesn't know how .

•he is very polite compared to the other dwarves and will never be rude to you.

• he loves to write and draw so if you see a drawing in one of the sketches don't be surprised. You are his muse the perfect model to his drawings.

•he will gift you drawings however rarely in person he usually leaves it on your bed. Along with poetry on how extraordinary you are.

•if his brothers find out he is falling in love with you. God help you cause Dori is gonna be judging every move you make to see if you are good enough for ori and nori will be giving ori tips of advice.

•he will make you scarfs and gloves .

•he is a gift giver and an act of service lover.

• once reclaimed the mountain a lot of his time will be taken up with the books but he will always put you first. And is more then happy to give you his share in the treasure if it made you happy.

• in the future he wants to be married and to if you can have children have children even if it's just adoption so he can share his knowledge with them.

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now