How would the dwarves in the hobbit react to escaped darling ? Part 1

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First of all how did you escape? Like he has guards EVERYWHERE and there are tiny windows but they are TINY. Anyway somehow you did escape. He is fuming. He gave you everything he thought you wanted, protection, love and safety. And you ran away, well he has every spare dwarf looking for you up and down searching everywhere that you could go . If he can't find you in the mountain , he becomes anxious either someone is hiding you or you escaped the mountain and on the move. He makes everyone fear him after he gave a speech about how he will punish them if caught hiding you from him. But if you somehow managed to get out the mountain and are on the move he has sent wanted posters everywhere with a high reward to whoever returns you to him.... When you return to him he is overjoyed finally back in his arms he NEARLY forgets about him w angry he was don't think he will trust you now it's going to take YEARS to win his trust back after the stunt you pulled.


He is usually follows the rules , but when he met you he is willing to break every rule for you . And now that he has you he will break EVERY rule to keep you with him. When you escaped don't think he won't do anything.he is next in line to the throne he has more power than you no . He will immediately go to thorin expressing his distress and in doing so will have the whole of middle earth looking for you. He isn't as angry as what thorin is but he isn't as forgiving as kili he is between the two . Once he has you back he will lecture you about your safety manipulating you into feeling bad . Once you admit you were wrong in leaving him he will let you off the hook.but it's going to take a few months till he trusts you again.


He is distraught your his princesses, his goddess , his one . And you left him he will yell for you till he can't anymore. He doesn't have to go to thorin or his mother to tell them what's wrong , they already know and start to search for you with wanted posters and search soldiers. He is a mess with out you and he starts to question everything. Did you leave Because he didn't show you enough attention or did someone STEAL you away. The thought of someone stealing you from him makes him infuriated. How dare they! And once you are back in his arms he is sobbing. Telling you how much he loves you and says whoever stole you will pay . Even though you tell him you left voluntarily he will believe you are just terror-struck and once you feel comfortable with him again you will tell him who took you. He will give you fast but he will put more guards at the doors and try too stay with you more than he was before. So your chances of escaping are very slim.

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