Bofur x reader headcanons

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•it would take a week or so until bofur would take real notice in you. He would be wary but once he realised you were harmless he was curious.

• he would ask you a millions of questions and in return you could ask questions back.

•your relationship would be a bit more of friends to lovers relationship.

•he would start to take notice of the little things you did and he would smile to himself of course bombur and bifur took notice of this and they were happy for him.

•when he realised he had fallen for you . He was worried how was he gonna show his feelings. Lucky for him the whole company liked him so those who were married were more than happy to give him little pieces of advice.

•he would play music for you and songs about you out of the blue.

•he loves your eyes . he feels like there the most beautiful thing in the world.

• also a hopeless romantic.

•gifts you random things he finds like rocks and twigs random stuff you don't need but he thought they looked cool.

•would dance with you out of the blue when you are alone.

•loves pda

•lends you his hat

• wants to braid your hair but he is too scared to until you mention how you like his braids and only then does he have enough confidence to ask you if he can do yours.

•after the war he wants to marry you and settle down. Maybe have a child or two I can imagine him being a really good and patient dad.

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now