Obsessed Thorin x reader

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Requested: she is a fan of thorin but is worried that her feelings will be rejected not knowing he felt the same about her.


Thorin the dwarf who had been in battle many times. Thorin the dwarf who led a group of dwarves to erebor and reclaimed it. To say I was a fan was an understatement. Personally I had been part of the company that reclaimed erebor and witnessed his greatness (for this imagine lets pretend thorin,fili, kili survived).however my feelings for the dwarf grew as he protected me in more than one time . It seemed to like me in only a pure platonic way.


She was like the stars. A glimmer of hope when the darkness takes to the sky. I loved her from the moment I saw her. But it seemed my actions went unnoticed . And now that I was king my duties had taken over my time. But how could I let her go. She was my one. My only love. I didn't not realise that there was such a big difference between dwarf courting and human courting. Even when we were in the company and I washed her blade as a sign of my deep devotion it went unnoticed. Or when I fell asleep when she was on watch right next to her . I was out of ideas on what to do.


I had gone to balin and he only chuckled at me saying perhaps I should just tell thorin how I feel . But how could I thorin was greatness I was just a warrior. But it seemed that worried about me talking to balin had caught the attention of Fili and kili . As it seemed they left me a note telling me that they would help me if I met them at raven hill. But it seemed they were a no show until I saw a figure. But not the figure I thought I would see. It seemed that thorin was here .

'You got the note then I see.' He spoke in a soft tone.

'Yes however I was under the influence it was kili and Fili that wished to meet.' My shaking voice seemed to go unnoticed luckily.

'Sorry about that it was the only way for me to meet with you with out drawing attention.'

'Is there a reason you brought me here thorin?'

He drew in a deep breath,'here is where I fought azog. Here is we're I nearly died'

I remembered him battling azog a brutal battle it was . Terrifying to say the least .

'I remember brutal battle that was I was so terrified that I nearly lost y....' Trying to stop the words coming out my mouth if thorin didn't love me then I wanted to at least stay friends with him . I couldn't risk taking that chance of losing him because of my stupid feelings.

'I was terrified as well. I was terrified that I wouldn't be here when you needed me . ' his eyes had softened as he reached for my hand holding it. He gentle lifted it to his lips and kissed my knuckles. As if he was trying to reassure me of something.

'Thorin I ... thorin.. if I tell you something you must promise me something.'

'Of course . What is it?'

'Promise me that no matter what we will be friends .'

'There is no one more worthy than you '

'The truth is ... the truth is... I'm in love with you ...'

He smiled a pure perfect smile.

'You have no idea how long I have waited for you to say that. I love you my star.'

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