How would the woodland elves react to escaped darling?

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At first when he finds out about you escaping he think it's a joke. No one escapes the woodland elves (except for thorin and the company) but this is a whole different scenario. You were locked in a room with guards at every exit! But somehow one of his idiot guards believed that you had FREEDOM to walk around the palace. He is furious. That guard that believed you ? He is dead now and it wasn't a quick death no it was slow and painful. After all thranduil loves you more than anything and if something happened or happens to you because you escaped ,then it's the guards fault.anyway the palace is being turned upside down looking for you. When he finally finds you since you couldn't truly escape the palace.he is calm .deathly calm .it's quite scary to be honest you thought he was angry at you .he is. However he will be calm angry your security is tripled .you now can't even go toilet without him knowing about it. That escape attempt you did and failed , was your only chance to get away ....


He is anxious and worried not so much angry . Legolas gives you more freedom however it comes with the cost of five guards watching over you. But the fact that you managed to slip away from the top five guards and try and escape from him. He is anxious because of your safety not mad because you have proven a point to him no one can take care of you except him. So when he gets you back you are staying in ONE room only... unless he is with you then you can do whatever you want within reason. When he is trying to find you and he can't he rushes to his father. You see being thranduils only child has it's perks and whatever Legolas wants he gets without fail.he will just hug you and say you don't have to run because your safe with him . but will tell you if you DO runaway again he will resort to extreme measures to keep you with him.

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