Obsessed kili in love with reader headcanons

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•of course fell in love with you at first sight.

•he is a worshipper and possessive yandere

•thinks he is lucky to be near you anything you leave behind is his.

•constantly hovering near you. Boasting about you to everyone.

•hates when you even look at someone else . but hates it more when someone is looking at you.

•tells thorin your his one and he needs you. So thorin makes you stay in erebor.

•since he is a prince you have no choice but to marry him.

• he has this little fantasy that you will be married and have kids and grow old together.

•eventually stops letting you out and keeps you inside your home.only him and his family sees you.

•him telling you of his plans for the future.

•showers you with gifts.

•punishments are usually not getting gifts and staying in a room by yourself only getting food and water once a day for 1 week to 2 weeks.

•you make up by letting him hold you and kiss you.

•eventually he wants that little fantasy to come true so he will ask for kids.

•if you say no then he will respect that since you are a goddess in his eyes. However later on when he sees everyone with there families and babies . He gets baby fever and won't leave you alone until you agree.

•he wants a big family and if dwarves are lucky they have children but with you he is determined to have at least 5. Not to mention the durin line needs to continue that's at least his excuse for it.

• when he gets you pregnant he is even more possessive so if the healer comes to check on the pregnancy he only has a few minutes till kili lets his anger out .

• constantly fussing over you and the baby when it's born. Showing the baby off to his brother , mother and uncle.

•he loves seeing you with the baby . Thinking about all those times he had to punish you but now you were the perfect family.

• after the first baby he is already planning on when you both should start trying for the next.

•now that you have a child together he does let you out but only to show off in front of the other men that he has you and now a child joins you too together.

•eventually after all your children they become platonic yanderes for you.

• you and kili eventually grow old together. And watch as your own children start there own lives.

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now