How would hobbit characters react to someone else trying to court them?

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He is FURIOUS. How dare this filth try to court you . Do they not have eyes. Can they not see him with his arm protectively around you. The first thing he does is yell at them at the top of his lungs . but in dwarf language so you don't understand what he saying. Later on when you are asleep he orders guards to take care of the person (killing) the person who dared to try and take you from him.


He feels betrayed at first, not by you but by the person .since they are in his future kingdom trying to court you, his love, so he feels that he has been cheated by his own people. Immediately starts thinking of a plan. He then puts stolen goods in the persons home so that his guards can take them away without question. And that person will live in the dungeon for there rest of their life.


He actually cries . And this terrifies the kingdom because when kili is sad his mum is sad and since his mother is thorin sister. Thorin will get told to help kili Which he will . Kili then showers you in gifts feeling the need to show you what your missing if you leave him (you can't anyway ).


When he heard about it he laughed . Not a good laugh. A scary , deranged laugh. Asks you every detail on what happened. Then proceeds to take action by hanging the person. You won't ever know that happened though since you are stuck inside.


SHOCKED. He had to listen to the story ten times until he believed it. Honestly never expected someone to have the guts to do that.immediately runs to his father ,telling his father everything (he might even pretend to cry). When the person mysteriously vanishes out of the blue he pretends that it never happened. Like they never existed.

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