Obsessed kili x pregnant reader oneshot/headcanons

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•The moment Kili had heard the news from the healer he was thrilled. Finally the gods had heard his prayers. Prayers of him and his darling finally being joined together . Proof of his devotion , love (and obsession) would arrive soon.

•He was eager to let everybody in the mountain to know of his blessing. His uncle had been delighted on hearing the news, knowing that durin line was in safe hands. His mother embraced him in a tight hug telling him tips and secrets she had learned when she was pregnant with fili and him. Fili was happy for his brother knowing that Kili always wanted to have a simple life and now it was going to come true truly made him happy.

•When you had heard from the healer you were indeed with child a mixture of emotions flowed through you. You were not mad at the child since it wasn't there fault . You simply wished it was someone else you were pregnant with.

•Kili is overwhelming, always by your side doing simple things for you and hovering in the background in case you need him. The only time you felt peace was when Kili left you alone because his family needed to borrow him for something. But as soon as he returned he was smothering you in his love.

•the jewels and dresses he gifts you only become more expensive (if that's even possible).

•he wants to show his appreciation that you are carrying his child.

•if anyone dares to even speak a word wrongly about you when you are pregnant , they have to be either very brave or very foolish . After all kili will be even more protective now your pregnant and he is not afraid to punish those who do not understand his love for you.

•It's safe to say your child will have no need to want , since it will have everything. And if you ever need a break no worries he is more then happy to look after the newborn.

•but be warned when you have had one child , he will eagerly be waiting for when your body can have another.

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