Obsessed legolas x reader headcanons

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•legolas most likely met you ,when you were with the company travelling to the lonely mountain.

•he was instantly drawn to you not by your appearance but by your courage.

•order the guards to take you to his chambers and not the dungeons.

•he will want to know EVERYTHING about you . He won't realise of course but he is slowly becoming obsessed with you and when you realise it shall be too late for you.

•if you ever try to leave him he will be shocked. After all he would give you anything you desire (as long as you don't ask to leave that is).

•punishments usually involve him giving you more attention because he thinks that's why you tried to escape. So good luck trying to escape because now he is keeping extra eyes on you.

•his father knows about his obsession with you . However sees it more of an opportunity to keep Legolas safe by persuading him it's to dangerous for you outside so Legolas must remain in Mirkwood.

•of course he takes your safety seriously . If anything happened to you there would be know point in him living in his eyes.

•will gift you the finest jewels and silks.
Even giving you some of his mother belongings.

•eventually however you are likely to develop Stockholm syndrome and you will I'll give in to his delusions .

•he shall propose to you in a special part of the Mirkwood forest only he knows.

•when you accept he is immediately planning everything to the last detail .anything you want at the wedding shall be yours and I mean ANYTHING.

•once you are both married he is going to be over the moon . Finally you trying to escape him and fighting him was all worth it .

•would still keep you locked up in your chambers but will let you out more often (he is with you at all times though of course).

•if you can get pregnant don't be surprised if you do get pregnant because part of his love language is physical affection.

•if not and you want a family he will happily find a child that's been orphaned and surprise you.

•although he does get jealous easily so if you don't want a family and just him he is more than happy as long as you are .

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now