Nori x reader head canons

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• nori when he first saw you probably thought you were attractive but that was it. But when he tried to steal something from you and in return you took something from him. He was amazed you had grabbed his full attention.

• being on a journey with other grumpy dwarves was not on his to do list. But you were like a breath of fresh air making it easier for him.

• he likes having a accomplice to steal random things from the elves.

• and when you helped him by taking the blame so that dori wouldn't punish him he was relieved and impressed. Not many would take a blame so he found him self even more drawn to you .

• he eventually found himself always sticking by you and following you around like a puppy. He didn't realise it until someone mentioned it and he turned beat-root red after.

• that was when he realised he was starting to fall for you . He tried to impress you by showing all the things he had stolen .

•he loves it when you compliment him it makes him feel special having so much attention. when most of the time he is with his family they spend all theirs on his little brother ori since he is the youngest.

• dori is the first out of all the company who realises nori is falling for you and he is shocked he never thought his brother would ever settle down but the fact he was willing to do it with you nearly gave dori a heart attack .

•he then starts to give nori pointers on how to win you over . And nori takes this very seriously he doesn't wanna screw this up. After all dwarves only love once and he was already falling for you.

•once they reclaimed the mountain nori showers you in gifts . You try to give them back but he insists that you deserve them and more.

• will get his brothers to say amazing things about him in front of you .

• he wants to in the future marry you if you accept him and then he will spoil you even more .

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now