Obsessed thorin x reader headcanons

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•before the war you were lovers . But after the war once everyone was safe he then truly started to show how obsessed he was of you.

• anything your heart desires it's yours.

• he keeps you deep with in the mountain so no one can ever hurt you and your safe.

•possessive and obsessive yandere

• hates when anyone talks to you . So eventually kept you in your home to prevent that from happening.

•loves it when you show him any sort of attention.

• you may be able to convince him to let you out of your home for a bit but it takes a LOT of convincing.

•he has to constantly have to be touching you in some sort of way when he is with you.

•all of the lords pressure thorin to get married in a hope that he would marry one of their daughters. Only for him to go home to you and propose.

•how could you say no after all he is a king and how could you defy the king .

•your wedding is huge all of erebor is decorated and celebrating.even though in secret you are trapped deep within the mountain.

•only his most trusted dwarves know that you are not free .

•the lords then start to pressure him about an heir even though their is fili .

• but thorin then realised that's another way for you to join together forever.

•befor you know it you are carrying the next heir to the lonely mountain.

• thorin is overjoyed with the news especially when your belly starts to show it gives him a feel of relief knowing a part of him will always be apart of you.

• when the baby is born the whole kingdom rejoice knowing that the line of durin is safe.

•swears to always to protect you and your child.

• as the child gets older he realises that he wants more to keep his first born company and to also keep his people happy.

• eventually you will probably end up having at least 3 children.

• all of which grow up to become just like their father.

•don't expect any help from anybody because everyone in erebor just wants their king to be happy.

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now