Obsessed fili x reader

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•fili will be more forward if he is obsessed with you simply because he wants all your attention.

•will be at your beck and call whenever you need him.

•wants you to be comfortable and spoiled. In return he will ask for one thing .your heart.

•he will court you before he asks you to marry him .

•but how can you say no when he is next to be king .you can't .

•will keep you hidden deep in the mountain in his home where people only whisper. what happened to you.

•has a temper and is willing to fight anyone.

•wants you to be his little house wife running around after,cleaning,making food and looking after him.

•at least that's what he imagined it would be like when you were married. But when you start asking to leave that's what makes him angry . How dare you try to leave this home a home where your safe and spoiled.

•BIG manipulator.

•loves it when you give into his fantasies of a perfect wife.

•tells his family about you a lot they will ask to see you but he will always make up an excuse like your unwell or your tired.

•hates it when people get nosy about you it gets his blood boiling.

•if you try to escape he is fuming. Be prepared for punishment later.

•usually involves you working your self to the bone and then being locked in the cold dark room that you didn't no existed. Not to mention he won't feed you unless you beg and apologise LOADS.

•after punishment he is willing to give you as much food as you want and also as much comfort that you need.

•if you were to make it out you won't be able to escape the mountain there are too many passages and routes.you will get lost or someone will just drag you back to there prince.

•since he is next in line to the throne after thorin he needs an heir he doesn't want kili to have that sort of pressure on him.

•so what better way then to make his darling pregnant full with his baby . He is so excited and also a bit turned on. He likes seeing you pregnant and especially when you are cooking dinner.

•you better hope everything will go alright because he isn't letting anybody in your house especially not whilst your pregnant.

•once your first born is born he wants more. He wants to see you pregnant all the time as the rest of your children run around him. And he tells them all his battles.

•if you try to raise them into being differently then he wants them to be god help you.he hates that you try and raise your children into thinking you guys aren't in love he probably punish you but it's behind closed doors once kids are in bed.

•when your children are older they become yanderes and he couldn't be prouder.

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