Obsessed thranduil x reader headcanons

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•when he first sees you he is convinced you are an angel.

•is quick to lock you up in a room not wanting you to escape from him.

•he will spend every moment he has that is free with you.

•expect to be dressed in luxury .he wants only the best for you.

•gives you family heirlooms to show how serious he is about you.

•is very physical affectionate to you. And demand that he marks you in hickies to prove it.

•he will ask you to marry him if you say yes it will all go smoothly. If you say no let's just say your going to want to of said yes before after he is finished with you.

• once your married and settled .your gonna be cherished like a fine Jewel.

•if anyone dares hurts you or even looks at you they are never seen again . it's why you mostly stay in your room.

•Legolas is gonna be upset that you don't wanna be with his father . but once you accept his father he is more than happy.

•you will get pregnant and when you are everyone is simply over the moon.

•but your not leaving the bed unless you REALLY have too . he wants you safe especially since you are carrying his child.

•after one child expect loads more since he wants to have a few mini you's and him selves running around.

•his dream family finally complete.

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now