Kili x fem reader head canons

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•kili is gonna love you from first sight he is a hopeless romantic.

•he is a mothers boy and because of that he has learnt how to win a woman's heart . Many women have hoped the prince would fall for them but he has never returned the feelings. So when you appear from nowhere he is shocked to say the least.

•he will start by being as nice as possible joking and complimenting you whenever he can .

•Gift giver . He most likely since you are on the journey to reclaim the mountain can't by you anything but he will gift you rocks and pebbles that are beautiful.

•you most likely catch him staring at you many times only for him to look away in embarrassment.

• he has sent so MANY letters to his mum explaining how brilliant you are . And when you aren't around he tells the company .

•stands up for you if anyone in the company disapproves of you .

• in this eyes your the only one in the world even when everyone is locked up in elvish cells all he cares about is if you are ok. And when Tauriel comes to speak to him he gives her the death glare but she doesn't notice.

•and when he is shot with morgul arrow he begs you stay with him and even when tauriel is healing him . he is staring at you as you hold his hand and move the hair away from his eyes.

• if kili survives the war .after he will do his best to stay by your side since he has fallen in love with you . And you can bet everyone around would try their best to get you to marry him .

The hobbit oneshots and head cannons mostly them being obsessed with you.Where stories live. Discover now