Obsessed Thorin king under the mountain oneshot part 1

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Thorin had won the battle of the five armies . He and his nephews where of course seriously injured but nothing life threatening thankfully.
All the dwarves that where once part of erebor had returned to the mountain. All the dwarves where excited to see their kingdom and new king. They didn't expect to see their king giving a certain woman a lovesick expression. It was clear to all that thorin was deeply and obsessively in love . However it seemed that the women he was so deeply in-love with . seemed oblivious to his trials of trying to win her affections. No matter how many gems, silks and handmade gifts he made she seemed to wave it off as a friendship gifts.

He had tried his best even asked those closest to him on ways to win her over and show his devotion to her. It had now became clear what he had to do . He had to confess his love for her in not gifts but in words to truly get her to understand.

So he thought of a plan a way so that even if his darling didn't want to say yes she would have to .

A great ball was to be held everyone from far off places we're ment to come to celebrate the reclaiming of erebor . Little did the guests and y/n know that the king wasn't just doing this ball to celebrate the reclaiming of his homeland but to celebrate him finally confessing his love for his darling.

Y/n had discovered a box in front of the home she had been staying in the lonely mountain . It was deep in the mountain , thorin insisted on her staying deep in the mountain so that no one could hurt her . Inside this lovely package was a dark navy dress beautifully handmade like it was crafted just for her.

Time skip....the ball

It's true that everything was extravagant when the dwarves held balls. The halls filled with excitement and were compact , little space to move and even less space to hide.

Thorin sat on The old throne his hands brushing through his beard eating and watching for his darling to appear. Of course many came to throne complimenting him and gifting him with all sorts of treasures.but nothing would ever compare to his darling not even the arkenstone , he was bewitched and if anyone dared to even say something wrong about her he was more than happy to lock them In the dungeon deep underneath the mountain.

When he saw her he felt like he was seeing an angel . She was exquisite her hair to her toes. It was clear she wasn't very comfortable with the lack of room but was trying to make the best out of the situation, which made thorin grin. Slowly he got up from his throne. "Thank you all for coming" he bellowed "this truly is a time to celebrate. Our home is reclaimed and shall stay like this until the end of my days I swear it on my honour." A loud applause and cheers were heard from the crowd.once they had settled down thorin spoke again in a monotone voice " we have treasures that we thought we would never see again ... but I must say one of the treasures I found was one that helped reclaim this mountain." The crowd started to mutter between each other . Eager to know what the treasure was , "it may be best if I introduce them to you." The was a deafening silence as anxiety spread all over the crowd , wondering who was this treasure of he spoke of. Thorin then took an anxious breath ,

"And he don't you come up here y/n"

It was clear the girl had know clue that thorin was to do this if she new she doubted she would have came to the ball. All eyes were on her as she stood on the spot unsure if she should move or stay were she was. Thorin stated her down with his piercing blue eyes,
"Come y/n " it was not a question but a command in her eyes . She knew thorin was when he wanted something he would do ANYTHING to achieve it. Agonisingly she took step towards the throne. First one . Then two. And slowly she came to the throne. Thorin reached for her offering her his hand as she climbed the few steps. She turned to the crowed . And they clapped and cheered and celebrated. But they all shushed when their king spoke as he turned to you .

" I have one question for you my darling....

Will you be my queen?"

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