Requested Obsessed thorin x modern oc kira knox

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Requested:ever since the dwarves started there journey to erebor, everyone were relaxing in the cliff for the night when all of a sudden gandalf and the company alongside thorin and bilbo are transported to our world where the modern reader finds them at nearby park and helps them by giving them rest.

Requested: can you make a modern au fanfic thorin Oakenshield x oc (here's the name I think would be great ,"Kiera knox")

The wind howled and the rain lashed out Gandalf barely able to see past his nose was carefully trying to guid the company through the cliff however it proved to be a very testing and dangerous task. But by some miracle an opening on the side of the cliff it looked to be a sort of cave . however no residents had stayed in it for decades it seemed. With a loud yell he said ' quickly in to the cave ' thankfully all of them had made it in to the cave. All though they were all completely miserable and soaked , they looked like drowned rats that had been rescued from the river .

The dwarves made quick work of setting up the fire but one dwarf seemed to be glued to the entrance of the cave staring out into the storm. Thorin. Thorin never minded storms but for the sake of the welfare of his company he would have to stay until the storm passed. Gandalf sensing his emotions stood alongside him. 'Something the matter' but the dwarfs gaze hardened he spoke 'something isn't right... this cave feels wrong ..' gandalf nodded his head in agreement 'yes it would seem this cave is strange thorin. Like an enchantment is on it or something. Best you get some rest though quicker you sleep the sooner we can leave.' The dwarf listening to his words walked to his bed roll , lying down on it and closing his eyes until sleep consumed him.

WHOOSH.POP.BANG. And a blast of light.

A portal as big as a troll appeared. The company that was once as sleep found themselves being taken into a huge portal .and they were spinning.

Until finally.

It stopped.

THUD. They landed on hard ground. Bilbo being the first to come to his senses stared up . The sun was bright brighter then he had ever seen it. He began to look around. What he saw was well . No he couldn't be seeing this ... surely not . What was this place . People dressed in fine clothing . And strange things on wheels wizzed past . And the grass it wasn't normal at all ... it was short . He quickly saw thorin and rushed to his side. ' thorin! Thorin! Wake up I think we have been cursed!' Thorin began to look around he was quick to locate everyone and rush them into a fighting circle . 'Everyone stay together! Whatever dark magic this is we fight it dead on!' The cheers of the company could be heard for miles.

Passers by glanced at them something it was a play and where laughing others were terrified often running past to avoid conflict with them.until Kiera knox saw them she was no one special really just an assistant to a fashion designer she was heading to her home when she saw the strange men. Her curiosity got the better of her as she approached.

Thorins mind was swirling. One minute he was sleeping in a cave next he has been chucked in whatever this place is called. ' gandalf what is this place!get us out of here ' by the wizard only hugged' I'm afraid I need strength and rest until we can leave thorin.' Thorin growled at the man clearly displeased with the wizards answer. But then he saw her.

Kiera made her way to them. 'Hello are you ok?'  The dwarfs stared at her trying to figure out if this was a trick. Thorin made his way to her 'who are you ?' He mumbled. The women only chuckled ' my name is Kiera knox . And you are?' She held out her hand for him to shake . Only for him to hold it and press it to his lips. 'Thorin Oakenshield' he didn't want her to know his whole title scared she would run away. He couldn't let her go she was perfect with angelic hair and eyes. She was beyond perfect. She smiled warm and bright' you aren't from around hear are you ?' He continued to stare in her eyes 'no we aren't ' she squeezed  his hand as a signal for him to let go but he held it firm .

'This may sound strange but would you like to stay with me until you figure out how to go home?' She said warmly . Thorin confused said'how do you know we want to leave ?' She giggled 'it's clearly written on your face'. If thorin died now he would have no complaints he felt like mahal was blessing him. 'Thank you . You are one of few I feel like I can trust.' Kiera glad they took her up on her offer began to lead them out of the park . She felt like she was doing her part of kindness to world helping these strange men ...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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