At the O2

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A/N- I don't know if anybody read my status update but my fanfiction Truly, Madly, Crazy, Deeply in love has deleted somehow. The whole thing is gone. I still have the chapters on my phone but that means typing out the whole thing again. I had over 1,500 reads on that fanfiction that took me bloody ages and now It's gone completley. I had a sequel planned and everything. I am genuinley in tears. So I have decided to write a new fanfiction. It will be a Louis one most likley so I am so sorry to anybody who wanted to read the fanfiction and it's sequel. I don't know if it is retrieveable or not. If it is please let me know I would do anything to get it back. But for now here is my new fanfiction.


I have never been more stressed out in my entire life. I am currently in my last year of high school so I am finishing my exams off. However,it is nearly summer so that means that I have one week left of school.I am taking a gap year not really sure what I am going to do but I need a break from all the stress of school. I share a house with my best friend Brandon, we are both 19. He is a huge fangirl it kind of gets on my nerves. He is in love with One Direction. Before you ask no he is not gay... well he hasn't come out of the closet yet if he is. Anyways he has persuaded me to go to their concert at the O2 as he has backstage passes and described it as " A once in a lifetime opportunity". I couldn't resist his puppy dog face so tonight we are going to the O2. Luckily we live in London so it isn't a long journey.

I am sat in Drama listening to the teacher droan on and on. I wasn't paying attention because we don't really need to as all our exams are done. Brandon kept looking over at me sending me cheeky smiles and pulling funny faces. Unfortunatley nothing made Mr Palmers drama lessons more interesting. 5 minutes left until we were out of this hell hole for the day! Brandon was getting really exited about the concert all week so now he looks like a kid on christmas day. God he will be terrible at the concert.

I mean One Direction are amazing and all that but I just don't want to become one of those screaming fangirls that follows them around like lost puppies. So I have got their album and I know the words to most of the songs I just don't want to follow the crowd. I hope that is a good thing. It might make me weird and a bit of an outcast but who cares I like being different. 

The bell finally rang signalling the end of school. Brandon grabbed me by the arm whisking me out the classroom as fast as he could. We power walked through the corridor and lets just say me and Brandon are not all that popular so wherever we go abuse is hurled at us. It hasn't ever become physical but it still just can't show it.

"Oii look it's the fatty and the fag!" Someone screamed. I knew I wasn't fat but you can't help but become insecure about yourself when someone tells you that you are every single day. Some guy came up behind me and squeezed my bum.

"Nice arse love.. You may be fat but I think you'd be a pretty good shag" A dirty voice whispered in my ear. Brandon must have heard because our pace quickened. Finally we reached Brandon's Land Rover. Yeah his family has a lot of money. They are so kind.. they even bought me my dress for tonight. My parents on the other hand not so much... My Dad is in prison for drugs and my Mum, her boyfriend and his skanky teenage daughter have run off to live in France. So I don't see any of them but thats okay because I have Brandon and his family.

"Hey BranFlakes..." I adressed Brandon. I always called him this because he needed a nick name so that was the best I could do.

"Yes Jess"

"Are you exited?"


"Awh you are so cute. I'm just exited about meeting them I always wonder what they are really like"

"I think they will be lovley"

"Yeah I hope so..Just don't faint on me" I giggled.

"Okay Jess I promise not to faint in the presence of One Direction.

We pulled up the house that we shared. I immediatley ran to the bathroom knowing that if I didn't get there first I would end up waiting for hours. I showered quickly making sure I shaved and used all the nicest smelling things we had. I mean I don't want to smell in front of 5 sex Gods. I pulled on my dressing gown then allowed Brandon to get in the shower. 

I dried my dark blonde hair and left it in it's natural waves before using hairspray to keep it in place. I  applied powder, a dark blue eyeshadow, mascara and a light pink lipgloss. My dress lay on the bed yet to be worn. It was a floaty white dress finished with a sky blue bow wrapped around the middle. I slipped it on over my head then put on my white high heels that matched. Once ready I went to meet Brandon who was waiting downstairs. We grabbed a snack from in the car and I checked that he had the tickets before we left in his car.

The car journey didn't take to long. We pulled up and got to our front row seats before the arena got all crowded. Brandon insisted on buying me a t-shirt but I didn't wear it. The first opening act Camryn came on. She was okay and I managed to catch one of her wristbands. Then the 5 seconds of summer boys came on. They were amazing. They really got the crowd pumped up and did I mention they were pretty fit. We waited about 15 more minutes before one direction finally graced the stage.

They were so amazing. I shed a tear during Moments and Harry winked at me.. well in our general direction when they were singing rock me. I love Harry but Louis has always been my personal favorite. They finished the concert with Live while We're Young and What Makes You Beautiful. Brandon did a lot of screaming which made me laugh. The concert finished and I was a bit dissapointed because I had genuinley enjoyed it. The lights came up and we waited behind until most of the arena had cleared out. We showed the one of the bouncers our passes and they led us to a waiting room backstage. Where there was another girl already waiting. Oh shit... It was the one person I was hoping to not see.

Sophie Jones. The biggest bitch in the school. She has tormented me and teased me for years on end. I manage to avoid her. Well actually I plan my day around making sure I don't see her because she is the one girl who can make me cry.

"Oh look who we have here it's the fag and the fattie" She spat. I hung my head so she couldn't see my face.

"Hey Fag have you decided to come out yet.. Everyone knows you like it up the bum so why don't you just let it out" Thats it I can take her being mean to me but not to Brandon.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE. TOO FAR THIS TIME SOPHIE" she turned away from Brandon to face me as One Direction entered the room from behind her. I was trying to tell her but that is hard when you are being backed up against the wall.

"What did you just say bitch"

"" I stuttered.

"Thats right didn't think so. Just you wait until school tommorow then you will get it. Oh and don't try anything with any of the One Direction boys they can do better than a fat, ugly, pathetic, worthless, disgusting bitch who's parents even left her because she was too ugly" She pushed me against the wall and I fell to the floor letting the tears fall down my cheeks , trying to hold in sobs but failing. I buried my head in my hands not really caring who was there. I heard some shouting and then the door slam before Brandon helped me up and pulled me into a hug. I pulled myself together and wiped away my tears before turning to face One Direction.

They all looked at me worriedly but I smiled and introduced myself.

"Hi I am Jess Smith and this is my friend Brandon"

We were hugged by the boys each of them greeting us with a friendly hello. Louis pulled me into a hug and caught a stray tear with his thumb.

"Don't.. You are too beautiful to cry" He whispered making my heart flutter. We pulled away from the hug and sat down in the circle that had already been formed. I couldn't help but look into the mysterious blue eyes that belonged to the boy with the braces and stripey top.

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now