Stay strong

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All the boys were going home to see their parents for a week before tour starts. I left Louis in bed whilst I went downstairs to the kitchen where everybody was alreay awake. 

"Morning Jess" They chirped.

"Morning guys"

"Is Lou awake. He needs to get packing"

"Nah but I can go and wake him up. Just get me some breakfast"

"Okay then"

I ran back up the stairs and into the bedroom. Louis was still sleeping peacefully like an angel. I kissed his nose then cheek and forehead. His eyes fluttered open and I was lost in a sea of beautiful blue.

"I could get used to waking up like this" He grinned.

"Well Lou you better get up because Simon has given you this week to spend with family"

"Who says I'm going to see my family" He frowned suddenly looking angry.

"Well I just thought that since the other boys..." I trailed off.

"Well you thought wrong"

"You haven't seen your family in ages I bet they're missing you"

"I bet they aren't"

"Lou what's going on?"

"Can we talk about it later please"

"Fine. But pack your bags you are going back to Doncaster. Please Lou"

"Fine but only for you" 

"Thanks Lou" I kissed his cheek and left him to back returning back downstairs. Breakfast lay waiting on the table and I tucked into it. Louis seemed so tense about his family. I'm sure I would find out why eventually but right now I need to focus on making sure he went back to Doncaster. His family probably missed him like hell. Once I finisheed breakfast I went back up to the bedroom. Louis had gotten changed and finished packing. I jumped in the shower before getting changed. I put on high waisted shorts and a floaty white top. I dried and then put a beanie on my hair before fixing my make up. Lou wasn't in the room anymore so I presumed that he was downstairs and ready to go so I went to find him.

Everybody was sat around on the sofa's just chatting. I went and sat beside Louis who instantly put his arm round me and pulled me into his chest. His top smelled like strawberries so I buried my head in his chest taking in his smell.

"Boys the cars here" Liam announced. My good mood went flying out the window and everybody's faces dropped. That's it they were gone for a week, home for one day and then they would leave on tour for 1 month before they came back for visits. I got up off the sofa as Louis stood frozen in his spot. I pulled him up off the sofa and he just stared into my eyes.

"I can't do this" His voice wobbled as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ears.

"I can't either but we have to okay" He nodded and wiped away a tear that had falled from his eye.

"I'm going to miss you so much. I don't know how I'll get by"

"Well we have to get used to it. This is your job"

"I'd give it up in a heart beat for you"

"I could never let you do that"

"I just wanted to let you know that's how much I love you. I love you so much I can't even tell you but no matter what you will always have my heart"

"My heart goes where ever you go. I love you more than life itself, more than the air we breathe"

He slammed his lips onto mine and thats when I startede to cry. I felt his tears mix with mine as the kiss became more intense. I pulled out of the kiss and said goodbye to all the boys saving Zayn and Harry until last. I'd gotten closer to Haz recently but Zayn was my brother and there was no replacing him. I hugged Harry then looked into Zayn's teary eyes.

"I'll see you real soon little sis I promise" He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. They all left to the car and Tara followed them out. She was leaving as well because Niall's parents offered them a room for the week. Me and Louis were left in the living room alone stood at different ends of the room just staring at eachother crying. 

I ran across the room flinging myself into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. He connected our lips. We were broken apart by the sound of the car horn. He placed me back on my feet and grabbed my hand tight as I led him to the car. He placed one last gentle kiss on my lips and then dissapeared into the car. I cried as I watch them drive off and I was left alone. My sister, My Best friends, my brother and my boyfriend all just left me.

A/N- I know it's not got much Tiall in it and it's not a great chapter but I need to dedicate this to a few people. First of all my beautiful BFF ( or brother) Ben, we argue quite a bit but brothers and sisters do. He's having a hard time and has promised to stay strong for me. Next to the stunning amazing @TazzleberryTheSeal who is perfect in every way and is also having a rough time but a she was there for me and I am here for her. Remember our little song cupcake and use that to keep you strong. I love you so much. Then a thanks to @NinjaMaster and @Caileylovs1D for all the support when I had rough times you guys have been so great because not only do you give me support on my story but you also help me to carry on. So I really love you guys all so much :)

(Picture of Ben (My BFF brother dude) and Brandon (other BFF just not my bro) cool beans they are XD #swag..ben wearing my cap. Ben is the one in the blue and purple hat brandon is the other one)


Jess xxxxx

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now