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Niall's POV

She looked up at me her eyes watering.

"Niall it's beautiful... I thought you just thought of me as another fan"

"You are more than just a fan... you are our friend but I want to be more than friends with you"

"I want to be more than friends with you too but I have to talk to Nathan first. How about you wait here"

"Yeah Okay I'll see you soon"

She walked out the door smiling... I have never met anybody so beautiful.

Jess' POV

I was snuggled on the sofa with Harry. I haven't seen Louis all day today which is a bit odd because he is normally the loud one. Hmm. I better get back to the campus though since I need to attend at least one lecture this week.

"Haz I have to go"

"Oh.. Promise that you will come back tonight"

"I promise Harry" I placed a light kiss on his lips, shouted goodbye to the boys before slinging my rucksack over my shoulder and leaving the house. I walked back to my car which was still parked by the London Eye. It would only be a 5 minute drive back from here.

When I got back I heard a hell of a lot of shouting then a door slamming. To be honest this was normal behaviour at this university. Next thing I knew Nathan came storming round the corner looking as mad as ever. He walked past me but then did a double take and came storming back. He slammed me against the wall and forced himself onto me. his lips moving roughly against mine but I refused to kiss him back which only angered him more. There was nobody here to call out to. I reached a hand down to my pocket and speed dialled Louis number since I hadn't put Harry on speed dial yet.

"Kiss me back bitch" 


He pulled something large and shiny out of his jacket and slashed my stomach causing me to collapse in pain. What had gotten him so angry. He made another cut but this time to my head. Then I blacked out hoping Louis got my call.

Louis POV

I hadn't left my room all day. I was having a hard time dealing with the fact that the one I love is with my best friend. I was soon brought back to reality by my phone ringing. It was Jess.


Nobody replied until I heard a deep rough voice.

"Kiss me bitch".... shit.

"No"Jess cried.

Nobody spoke after that I could only hear Jess' screams. The line then went dead. I jumped out of bed pulling on a hoodie and joggers. Running downstairs and straight out the door to my car. I didn't bother to tell Harry because if something has happened to her it would waste valuble time and I wanted to be her hero.

The drive only took minutes and they were some of the longest minutes of my life. I pulled up at the very empty looking campus. I ran to her room but before I got there I saw a pool of blood on the floor. Please dear God don't be her. I slowly walked round the corner t find a unconscious Jess with slashes across her stomach and head. She also had bruises on her shoulder.

"Jess!" I cried scooping her up in my arms and brushing back the hair from her face. She lay as still as a statue her face slowly going purple from lack of oxygen.

"TARA!" I screamed hoping that she was here. Soon I heard footsteps running down the corridor and Niall and Tara soon appeared looking very worried.

"Oh my God" Tara whispered before collapsing into floods of tears. I couldn't hold it in any longer I broke sobbing and letting my tears drip down onto Jess' blood stained face.

"I'll call an ambulance" Niall said whipping out his mobile phone and walking round the corner. I took her off my knee placing her onto Tara's then ran into their room and pulling out tops from their draws. I then ran back to her and put as much pressure on the bleeding wounds as possible. It may be hard to see her like this but I knew this would give her a better chance of survival.

Soon enough the sirens were blaring and the paramedics came rushing in taking Jess away from us. I tried to go in the ambulance with her.

"Excuse me sir but who are you to this girl?"

"I am her... boyfriend please let me go with her" 

"Fine come on in"

I sat next to Jess squeezing her hand tightly and singing softly to her.

' Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Be my baby,

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh,

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Be my baby

and I'll look after you"

The sobs took control of my body making me unable to carry on singing. Even though she was covered in blood and was unconscious she still looked unbelievably beautiful. I will make her see who is right for her.

We finally pulled up at the hospital and I was forced to wait in the waiting room. I must have been there for at least 2 hours. Niall had contacted Harry but he said that there had been an accident and could be stuck in traffic for at least another 3 hours. A nurse appeared round the corner.

"Mr Tomlinson you can come and see her now."

"Okay" I followed her down the corridor and she led me to the furthest room.

"She is asleep but should be waking up any minute. I am sure she would love you to be there"

"Thank you"

I walked in taking my place beside her hospital bed. I took her small hand tightly in my own and ran my fingers through her silky hair.

"Come on baby wake up for me" I whispered squeezing my eyes tight shut.

"Louis?" A voice croaked. I snapped my head up and my eyes connected with Jess' big beautiful blue ones. Her pale lips formed a weak smile. I have to tell her.. now.

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now