I give you my heart

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Tara's POV

Damn it I am so confused. I mean I like Nathan but yestarday with Niall I just felt this connection that I have never felt with Nathan before. Niall even gave me his number and we texted for the whole of last night. Nathan would never do that because I am not his main priority. His main priority is sports especially football. A girl should be put first in a relationship right.  Thing is I don't know wether to break it off with Nathan because Niall is in a worldwide boyband and I don't know him that well. It would be stupid to break it off with Nathan then go chasing after Niall and find out he only thinks of me as a fan. Maybe I could text him and ask him to meet up with me today then I could decide. Yeah. Thats what I will do.

Niall, I really enjoyed meeting you yestarday how about we go and get a cup of coffee together today or you could come over if you want because I think Jess is visiting an old friend- Tara xxxx :)

I got a reply immediatley.

Tara, Yeah that sounds great. And Jess is at ours... did she not tell you... I'll be over in an hour. -Niall xxxxx <3

WHAT!?! Jess' "old friend" is really the boys of One Direction. Why did she never tell me that she was really going to their house. Did she want the boys all to herself? One thing is for sure is that we will be having a long talk when she gets home tonight. Well I better sort myself out because Niall would be here any second. Shit what if Nathan came over? Scrap that he is at football all day today.

Niall's POV

I hadn't been able to get my mind off Tara since yestarday. She was stunning but then Jess mentioned her boyfriend and I felt this ache in my chest. I genuinley thought I had a chance with her. But I guess nobody wants the ugliest member of One Direction. I need to talk to Jess before I leave today. Louis still hasn't gotten over this "thing" he felt with her and when she kissed Harry yestarday in truth or dare you could see Louis heart break by the look on his face. Damn Zayn even knew that Louis liked her and he made her kiss Harry. What if she falls for Harry now when it is clearly Louis that is the one who is perfect for her. Only problem is Eleanor. She may only be fake dating Louis but she gets incredibly jelous. I think she thinks Louis genuinley loves her but any old fool can see that he feels nothing towards her and that Jess is the one he should be with.

That's how I feel about Tara. I feel like I am made to be with her yet her but she hasn't realised that her boyfriend isn't the one for her.

Jess' POV

"JESS!!" Niall shouted down the hall. I groaned pulling myself out of Harry's arms and then grabbed a jumper to cover keep me warm before walking down the hall ot Niall's room. He was sat on the end of the bed, head in his hands and no top on. Hello abs I can see why Tara likes him so much.

"S'up Nialler?"

"Does Tara like me?" I laughed at him. Did he honestly just ask that.

"Niall are you kidding me. Have you not seen the way she looks at you. She would break up with Nathan in a heartbeat if you said you wanted her"

"Really...Why would anyone want the ugliest member of One Direction

"Shut up Niall. Shut up right now. Ugliest member my arse. Don't ever EVER say that about yourself. Look at me Niall. You are beautiful okay and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Any girl would be lucky to have you. Niall you are 100% perfect"

"But when fans take pictures sometimes they don't want me in them and some say that I don't deserve to be in One Direction"

"Well they don't know you do they and they clearly are not true fans if they could even think that"

"So when I go and meet Tara today should I try and win her heart?"

"Niall you already have her heart you just need to show her that she has yours"

"Thanks Jess.. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah ask me anything"

"What do you think of Harry?"

"Well considering he is my boyfriend I would have to say he is pretty amazing" A look of horror crossed Niall's face but he quickly covered it up and smiled.

"Well thanks for all the help it really means a lot. You are like the sister I never had. I love you"

"I love you too Ni.. Now go and get Tara"

"Okay bye" Niall skipped out the room and straight out the door to his car before driving off to Tara and I returned to a now awake Harry.

Niall's POV

shit Shit SHIT!! Harry and Jess were a couple now. Damn it Lou will be heartbroken. I have to tell him. I don't blame Jess she never knew she is oblivious to how Louis feels. Harry on the other hand knows exactly hom much Louis likes her. He talked about her a lot even after a year of not seeing her. Harry should have known better than that. I have to tell Louis. Now.

I pulled out my phone dialling his number and he answered on the 2nd ring.

"Hey Ni"

"Hey Lou. Look I have to tell you something"

"What?" He said sounding suddenly nervous.

"Jess and Harry are a thing"

"What a dick he knows how much I like her"

"Louis I am going to give you the same advice that Jess gave me. You have her heart not Harry but she needs to see that she has yours then she will realise that you are the one she is supposed to be with"

"Thanks Ni I need her to be mine. I can't watch her love Harry. I want her to love me."

"Don't stop until you get her Lou"

"And don't you stop until you get Tara"

"I wont"

"I'll see you when you get home and we can talk properly"

"Yeah bye Lou"

"Bye Ni" he said before the line went dead. I pulled up at the university campus and headed to the room Tara told me to. Thank God I was clever enough to come in disguise. I knocked on the door and Tara opened the door beaming at me. God she was beautiful.

"Hi Tara"

"Hi Niall... come in" I walked inside to a room filled with One Direction posters on one side then the other was Jess' and you could tell because it said Jess on the wall. That ment that Tara was the fangirl. She turned round suddenly realising what I was staring out. I could see her mentally facepalming. I found this very funny.

"Ah Shit I forgot that I had them up"

"Don't worry it's flattering really" I winked at her causing her to bush. Damn it that drove me crazy knowing that I could make her blush like that. I just hope she sees how much I like her. I had a good way of showing her how I felt. I handed her a small box containing a silver chain with a small silver heart hanging from it. As she opened it a look of confusion spread across her face.

"Niall what is this?"

"It's a heart.. my heat and I want you to know that you have it" 

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now