Mildly Sexy ;)

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Jess' Pov

Me and Tara were finally ready to go and on our way to the book signing. I was dressed in leggings, a one direction top and my UGGS with my hair left down. I pulled on a hoodie and put the hood up hoping it would be a good enough disguise. Well we will soon see. Tara pulled up next to the shop and we joined in the queue. The queue wasn't too long. I just want to get this over with. We waited for about half an hour until we were at the front of the line. Bodyguards ushered us forward towards the boys. Niall, Zayn and Liam didn't notice they just signed my book and moved on. I got to Louis suddenly feeling nervous. Deep breaths he won't recognise you.. he has probably forgotten about you anyway.

"Hi love what's your name"


"What a very pretty name.. here lets have a picture"

Tara grabbed the camera and snapped a picture of me and Louis. The second he was done I moved straight to Harry.

"Hello.. Who should I make this out to?"


His head snapped up. Well he can't recognise me by my name can he? Jess is such a common name. Oh wait maybe it was my voice.

"Jess? As in Jess from the concert.. Oh my God it is you"

"Harry shhhh.." I said slapping my hand over his mouth.

"Boys I'm just going to take a bathroom break" Harry announced quickly getting up. I waited a few minutes before following him He was leaning up against the wall with a very confused look on his face.

"What happened to you... We all tried calling you... texting you. All 5 of us tried to get in contact with you"

"Well I figured Louis wanted nothing to do with me and I am nothing special so neither would the rest of you.. Then I changed myy number"

"Jess we tried to get to you for like 3 months then we had to stop. We really like you. Please don't leave us again. Come stay with us this weekend. Please"

"Okay Harry but until then can we not tell the other boys until then because I don't want any drama yet"

"Yeah I guess so" He smiled and I pulled him into a hug his hair smelled sweet and fruity. Yummy.

"Thanks Haz" I whispered.

"Can you just come over tonight pleaaaase" He begged giving me the puppy dog face. Well it couldn't hurt. I was going to have to face up to them one way or another so I may aswell just do it. Plus I would probably have fun.

"Fine I guess so but I might not be much company because I have some coursework to do for Uni"

"Yeah I don't care I just want you to be there" 

"Okay well I better go and get Tara then I will come over tonight. Write your number in my book then I will text you and you can give me the address."

"Yes okay.. I'm so exited now."

We walked back to the signing together and saw Tara chatting with Niall now that everyone had left and it was just me and her still there. Harry wrote his number in my book and handed it to me smiling. 

"Well I'll see you tonight then"

"Yes" I pulled him into a tight hug.





One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now