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We all sat round the table eating our christmas dinner when my phone went off.  I pulled it out my pocket. Oh my God. It was my Mum. I haven't spoken to her in years. I have to take this


Jess' phone went off in the middle of the meal. She took it out her pocket. A look of shock then horror crossed her face. She quickly excused herself then made eye contact with me and mouthed the word 'Mum'. Holy crap. The boys all gave me a look.

"What the hell is going on?" Zayn asked.

"Thats not for me to tell you. Thats for her to tell"

I knew as soon as she walked back in the room she would be bombarded with questions. As soon as she walked in the room all eyes were on her.

"Jess they need to know"

She took a deep breath and began to explain.

Jess' POV

I got off the phone with my Mum then went back into the kitchen. They all looked at me.

"Jess they need to know" She said placing a hand on my shoulder.

Here goes nothing.

"So I had a normal family life with mu Mum and Dad and brother up until I was about 10. My Mum and Dad started to argue...a lot. So they both began to take their anger out on me. I just spent most of my time locked in my room. My Dad got sent to prison for drug abuse and my Mum met another man named Shaun and eventually they got married. They treated my brother Robbie like and angel sent from heaven above and me like a piece of dirt. They ran away to France with my brother leaving me in England all alone at 14. They sure left their mark though" 

I took off my shirt not caring who was looking and turned around to show them my scars. On my back in scars were the words 'WORTHLESS BITCH'. I remember the day that Shaun did that. He just grabbed the blade and sliced it into my back. Yeah they beat me but that was the worst I got. I then turned around to show them the scars on my stomach and legs.

I put my shirt back on and opened my eyes to see everones reaction.  I was scared that they would think the same as my parents. But no they were all crying. Lou especially. I pulled him up off his chair and into my arms.

"Baby don't cry what is wrong"

"It's just so.."


"No hell no. I mean it is repulsive what they did. But I'm just sad that I couldn't protect you and you had to deal with it on your own"

"Thats not your fault. How can it be you didn't even know me"

"I promise that I will always protect you. Nobody will ever hurt you again"

"You can't promise that Louis, thats what my Mum promised"

"Well this time it's the truth. Now go talk to Zayn he looks like he needs a hug"


I pulled out of my embrace with Louis and walked over to Zayn and he sat me down on his lap pulling me into a tight hug.

"Zaynie don't cry. I don't like it" I said wiping away the tears that were falling/

"Just don't ever leave us" He cried.

"I wouldn't dream of it"

"I love you"

"Love you too Zaynie"

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now