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I woke up hoping that it was all just a bad dream, but no. They had gone and this was real. I got up got changed and left the house to go to the job centre. I got there and it was quite empty. I walked over to the furthest desk where a sweet looking lady was stood.

"Hi how may I help you today?"

"Hi I'm here to see if there is any chance there are any teaching positions open?"

"Depends on what age you want to teach honey"

"I would quite like to teach primary school"

"Do you have all the qualifications?"

"Well I dropped out of university but I do have the qualifications"

"Okay. Well I think we have a position perfect for you" She said handing me some forms "It is a local primary school. All you have to do is fill these forms in and then send them off before the end of a week. Then expect a call by saturday"

"Thank you very much"

"No problem dear"

I went to starbucks and had a coffee whilst I filled in my form, then once I had finished my coffee and filled it in, I posted in in the nearest postbox and then drove back home. That was one thing less to worry about. I sat down in the house once again and the silence settled around me. Maybe I should just have a party tonight. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I rang everyone who I was friends with and most of them agreed to come. There was going to be about thirty people. 

I went out and bought alcohol, food and all the other essentials for a party. As I was pulling into the driveway I saw something huddled in my doorway. I got out the car and slowly walked towards the door, my initial thought was that it was a homeless person but no. The closer I got the more I recognised this person.


"Jess. I can't believe I actually managed to find you" He said jumping up and opening his arms . I practically lept into is embrace.

"I missed you so much, what are you doing here?"

"I'll explain but first lets get inside"

I unlocked the door and let us both in. I made us a drink and then took it into the living room where Brandon was sitting. He looked freezing cold so I lit the fire and turned up the heating.

"So, why are you here then?"

"Well, I was having a great time in America. I had a well paying job and a really nice apartment. Then the company I was working for went bankrupt and we all lost our jobs. I didn't have enough money to pay for my apartment. So instead I used all the money I had left to fly to London. I knew you lived in London because you and Louis are all over every single magazine. I thought if I could get to London then I would be able to find you and I did"

"Brandon that's terrible but I can't believe you are here, this is so exciting"

"And may I say you look absolubtley amazing, Louis is a very lucky man"

"Yeah, about that"

"What did he do to you?"

"He was going to propose but then Eleanor came back and he proposed to her instead so now they have gone off on tour together and Tara has gone with them. So I am here trying to deal with heartbreak and being left alone"

"Well you won't have to anymore, I'll be here for you"

"Brandon they're gone for 4 months"

"And I'll be here for 4 moths, if that is okay with you of course"

"You can stay here for as long as you want"

"Thanks Jess"

"Anytime honey, you came at a bad time because I'm having a party tonight and I know how much you hate parties" I said sarcasticly. Brandon loved parties, he was usually the life and soul of them.

"What time?" He asked, suddenly seeming very excited.

"They're coming in like an hour and a half"

"Well don't just sit there, go and get in the shower and get ready" He said helping me up off the sofa.

"If you go into Harry's room then there is another shower that you can use" I told him.

"Oh my God, I am actually going to be using THE Harry Styles' shower"

"Yes Brandon, now go"

I showed him to Harry's shower and then I went to the one in mine and Louis room. Once I was done I changed into a short blue dress and curled my hair. The doorbell rang and I still wasn't readly, luckily Brandon was downstairs so he could let people in. I took another half an hour to get ready. By the time I got down the party was in full swing. I greeted everybody, it was nice to see them after so long. Brandon took a picture and I decided to send it to the boys.

To: Zayn 'Jelly Tot' Malik

Ready to party, what do you think?? Xx Jess xX

1 attatchment

I got a reply almost instantly.

From: Zayn 'Jelly Tot' Malik

We all think you look stunning angel XxZaynxX

I put my phone away but my mind once again wondered to Louis. I grabbed a beer and before I knew it I had drunk like 6 cans. My mind was fuzzy and I couln't focus on anything. The loud music made my head pound. Brandon must have noticed me in my drunken state as he took me off to my bedroom.

"You okay sweetie?"

"Yeah fine" I slurred.

"What is it?"

"Louis" I cried "I miss him"

"Jess look at me, he clearly isn't worth it if he didn't fight for you. You could get someone so much better"

"Like who Brandon. LIKE WHO?"

"Like me"



Hey guizzzzzz. I decided to put a picture of me on de side so you can have a lookies. No hate pweaseee. Fanks guizzz. Enjoy de chapter. Love yaz all Jess xxxoxox

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now