1 year later

661 20 1

Jess' Pov

We sat there in an awkward silence for about 5 minutes before Eleanor finally piped up.

"So who are you then?"

"Umm...My name is Jess"

"Oh I see..." . She bent down and whispered something in Louis ear and his expression turned from anger to panic in a split second. She glared over at me and whispered something else. Louis guickly grabbed his jacket muttered a goodbye, took her hand and left quickly not even looking back. What had I done...? Did he hate me now. I don't even know anymore. I pulled out my phone texting Harry and Brandon.

Hey Guys Louis just walked out on me after Eleanor turned up... No explaination.. Did I do something wrong? Does he hate me? Jess xxxx :)

I walked out of Starbucks and got back home. I ran upstairs slamming the door because I knew Brandon wasn't in. Well it's not like he was interested in me was it? Not like we were even going to be friends. Ughh why are boys so mentally confusing. Well I better revise for my end of year test. Yuck.

Hey Babe Haz here.. ignore Louis okay it will just be Eleanor trying to get him away from you.. forget about it :) H xxxx 

I read the text then pulled all of my books out starting with English then I would do Maths and Science. A loud knock sounded from downstairs. Eyeroll now I actually have to move. I hauled myslef of the bed, running downstairs and flinging the door open.

Harry? Whut? How did he know where I lived?


"Hey Jess. Before you ask Brandon told me where to find you"

"Awsome come in" I said stepping aside so Harry could enter.

"Wanna watch some movies or something?" I suggested.

"Yeah as long as it is the hunger games"

"That is the only movie I am preapared to watch"

We sat down snuggling under a load of blankets as the movie played. This has to be one of my favorite movies it never gets old. Half way through the film Harry recieved a call so I paused the movie to let him answer it"

"Hello.... No I am not at home....I'm with Jess... Yes the Jess from the concert.... watching movies...No Louis.. We will talk when I get home. Bye" He hung up and came back to join me.

"Louis was just wondering where I was so I told him that I would be back after the movie. I think he was a bit jelous" Harry sniggered. I rolled my eyes and pressed play allowing the movie to continue. The movie finished and I said goodbye to Harry. Little did I know that it woukd be the last time I saw him for a while...


In the end I decided not to take a gap year and instead focus on getting an education first. I am studying Performing arts and Advanced English at Oxford. It is a lot of stress but I know that it will pay off in the end. Brandon moved to America to work as some sort of film director. I was immensley proud of him but we rarley talked anymore. I texted him now and again but he was always busy. I share a dorm with my friend called Tara. She is in love with One Direction and she does not and will not ever know about me meeting them and such. Tara has long blonde hair and big blue eyes. My defenition of perfect. She has a boyfriend called Nathan who is also gorgeous. He has tan skin, dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. They are the "it" couple but they are not snobby and bitchy despite what some people may think about the popular kids.

Now Tara has been nagging me to go to a One Direction book signing with her. I am really not sure about it since a) they might remember me and then I would feel bad for not keeping in touch b) if that happened Tara would kill me for not letting her know sooner that I have Harry Styles' and Louis Tomlinson's numbers in my phone. But yet again I have fallen for the puppy dog eyes. So tommorow we are going to WHSmith in London to meet them. Disguises will be needed and thank God I can act because I would need to do some of that too.

It is all over twitter that Louis and Eleanor have had a rocky relationship for the past year and nothing seems to be improving. Lucky me... If you didn't notice I have a small crush on Louis Tomlinson. Not that I have a chance though I mean have you seen Eleanor. She is gorgeous. 

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and left my English lesson hurrying back to the dorm only to find a very exited Tara.

"Taz chill what has gotten you so hyper"

"Jess in case you didn't notice we are going to meet One Direction tommorow. TOMMOROW!!!!"

"Yes I did realise actually"

"Well why are you not excited" She pouted. " Anyway I am going to bed so tommorow will come faster" She ran into the bathroom as someone knocked at the door so I went to answer it.

"Hi Nathan"

"Hey Jess. How are you"

"Gooooood thanks. Well apart from the fact that Tara is giving me a headache. What about you?"

"Yeah good thanks. Speaking of Tara is she here"

"Yeah she is just in the loo if you want to come in"

"Yeah okay" He walked in and sat on one of our sofas.

"TARA NATHAN IS HERE!!" I screamed.


She rushed out from the bathroom now in her pyjamas. Nathan pulled her onto his lap and they snuggled up close. Well this is #awkward now I am a huge third wheel.

"Nathan you can spend the night if you want. I will find somewhere else to stay" I offered and they both nodded their heads.

"Yeah that would be great Jess. You can stay in my room tonight if you want" Nathan didn't have to share a dorm with anybody so suddenly the thought of having a night to myself became very exciting. I grabbed the keys from him and went to Nathan's dorm. I snuggled into the bed and fell asleep in the peace and quiet. I couldn't help but wonder what was in store for me tommorow.

We will just have to wait and see I guess....


A/N- Crappy filler yes I know. Oh well. Jess will be reunited with the boys tommorow. Will they recognise her at all? What do you think will happen..... Well you'll just have to wait and see I guess !!!!!!!!

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now