Spa day :)

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I have been recovering in hospital from my fall for about 3 days. Tara had been discharged and I was being discharged today. Louis hadn’t left my side for 3 days. I told him to shower and ear but he refused to leave me by myself. I hadn’t really talked to anybody other than him since my ‘accident’. I didn’t really want to. I had betrayed, lied and disappointed them. I hate hurting the people I love.

“Miss Smith you are allowed to leave now,” A nurse told me.

“Okay thank you”

Louis gathered all our things together and then took my hand. He led me to the car and we drove home in silence. I knew I had some explaining to do and until I explained they wouldn’t be able to trust me again. I had already explained to Louis. I kind of had to. I just hadn’t told the others yet.

We walked in the house together to see that everybody was sat around watching the television. Louis went to take a shower so I sat myself in between Zayn and Harry.

“I’m guessing you guys want an explanation then” They all nodded and I sighed. “Okay then. So when my Mum rang me she basically told me that she wanted me to go to France. She said that if I didn’t go there willingly then she would come and get me herself. She said that she wanted your money. So I decided to make the most of the time we had left together. Then at the hospital I got another phone call and she told me that she was at the hospital and to meet her and my stepfather on the roof. I did as I was told. When I got up there she gave me this speech about how she would torture me and you lot if I didn’t do as I was told. Then she said…” I started to choke on my tears as I thought about the next part. Zayn placed a reassuring hand on my thigh and nodded for me to carry on. “She said she would kill you all and it would be my fault. So I jumped. I figured that you would all be safer”

I finished explaining and looked up at all of them. They looked shocked to say the least. I shifted under their gazes. Zayn pulled me into a hug stroking my hair.

“I’m just glad that my little sister is okay,” He whispered making me smile. I felt a sudden wave of relief wash over me. They didn’t react how I thought they would. I thought that they would shout at me for being stupid and putting them in danger or something.

Tara came over and pulled me into another hug.

“Hey how are you feeling?” I asked her.

“I’m good thanks. Everyone is just a little stressed out”

“Do you know what we need?”

“No what?”

“We need to go on that Spa trip that you gave me for Christmas. It will be nice to have a stress free day.”

“Oh my God yes. Do you want to go today?”

“Sure why not. I’ll just go and get myself showered and dressed”

“Yeah okay”

I ran into the room that I shared with Louis. I’m kind of glad that I didn’t go back to Louis and instead moved in with the guys. Tara would be finished soon but until then she was still living in the dorm. Niall spent a lot of time there and she spent as much time as she could here. Louis left the en-suite bathroom. His body only covered by a white towel worn around his waist meaning that his chest was exposed. I walked over to him and kissed him passionately placing my hands on his chest then proceeding to trace his abs.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in the shower” He smirked.

“Yeah but you are very distracting”

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now