My new nickname for you

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I woke up and it was a typical Yorkshire morning, meaning rain and lots of it. I pulled Jess tighter in my arms as I studied her beautiful face.

"What you looking at Tomlinson" She giggled opening her eyes. 


"Well that's nice"

"Oh trust me it is" She rolled out of my arms leaving me alone in the bed. 

"I'm just checking my phone babe...I won't be too long"

"Fine" I huffed and turned to the other side, snuggling back down into the covers. I heard a distant phone conversation.

"Yeah okay...see you soon then... Bye Zaynie poo.. Yeah love you too" She hung up on Zayn and came back into the bedroom suddenly looking slightly dissapointed. I pulled her back into the bed next to me and raised my eyebrow, questioning her sudden mood change.

"I've got some bad new Lou"

"What is it babe?" I hugged her even tighter.

"We have to go home today. Paul has called us all back early because the fans have found out where you are and they don't want you to get stuck here or be delayed for tour"

"Oh... So I guess I should go tell Mum and stuff"

"Yeah" We shared a sad smile as we both got dressed and packed our suitcases. I took her hand and we went downstairs to the kitchen where Mum and the girls were eating breakfast.

"Hey guys" I kissed each of my sisters on the forehead then hugged my Mum. I watched as Jess fussed over the girls. Each of them with huge smiles on their faces.

"Morning baby"

"Morning Mummy"

"So listen up guys we kinda have some bad news" Jess started. Everybody looked over to us.

"Yeah so um... Zayn called this morning and he said that Paul wants us to come back home"

"Oh" Mum's face fell "We can see you soon though right"

"Of course Mum. In fact it's Jess' birthday In a week and a bit. February 28th to be exact. You can always come then because she will need someone to keep her company while I am away."

"That sounds perfect but when will we get to see you again" 

"Erm..Hang on a sec" I pulled my Mum into another room and left Jess to play with the girls so that she wouldn't find out my plan.

"Look Mum I was kind of planning on suprising Jess by coming back home on her birthday and staying for that week. What she doesn't know is that the week of her birthday we have no shows so my plan falls into place perfectly. So if you come that week then you will see me and you can meet the other boys"

"Lou that is perfect. I can't wait. Now we best not keep your girlfriend waiting or she will get suspicious"


We went back into the kitchen where Jess was still playing with the girls. God she was amazing.

"Well we better make a move babe. We have a really long journey"

"Okay then."

"NOOOOO LOUIS WHY CAN'T WE KEEP HER" Daisy whimpered and I could even see tears welling up in her eyes.

"It's okay pumpkin you will see her in a couple of weeks"


Jess hugged all the girls, kissing them on the cheek then hugging my Mum.

"Take care of him for me" My mum told her.

"Oh I will Jay. I love him so much"

"I know you do sweetie. I'll see you soon"

"Bye Jay" She hugged her again whilst I said goodbye to the girls. My Mum then pulled me into a tight bear hug.

"Take care of yourself and Jess. Don't lose her Louis. I'll see you real soon okay. I love you baby"

"I love you too Mum"

We all bid our final farewells before me and Jess got into my car. I put my keys in but didn't start the engine.

"You are so perfect"

"That's so not true. Why'd you say that?" She asked.

"First of all you are perfect. Perfect for me. You are just gorgeous, kind, stunning, funny, amazing and you were so good with my family. Usually girls don't even care. Well girls that I have been out with anyways."

"I love your family Lou they were amazing. I love you"

"I love you too gorgeous" I pecked her quickly on the lips before setting off on our long journey back to London.


We had all arrived back at the house. Well all of us apart from Jess and Louis who said they were like ten minutes away. To be honest I couldn't wait until they got home. I missed Jess like hell and it hadn't even been that long. One thing I learnt from having Jess as my first girl best friend is that you get attatched to them quick. I don't fancy her or anything...God no I have Perrie. I just love her company. As if on queue thre front door unlocked and Louis loud voice echoed through the living room. I got up from my seat. The second Jess saw me she dropped what she was carrying and ran into my awaiting arms.

"Zaynie Poo I missed you so much"

"I missed you too angel"


"Yeah my new nickname for you"

"I like it"

I carried her bridal style into the kitchen where everybody was waiting. Louis and Harry were having a very intimate reunion and it was pretty hillarious. 

"So angel how about we have a best friends day out tomorrow?"

"Sounds perfect I haven't spent any time with my Jelly Tot"

"Jelly Tot?"

"Yeah my new nickname for you"

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now