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I was just about to explain everything to Louis but we were interrupted by Zayn shouting at us.

“GUYS COME QUICK TARA IS GOING TO HOSPITAL” I ran over to him and he led us to the women’s toilets where everybody but Niall was waiting outside.

“Louis I’m going in”

“Okay. Good Luck”

I entered the building to find Tara keeled over the toilet. Niall was in tears lent over her and rubbing her back. I presumed that she was just ill but then I saw the blood.

“Oh My God Tara what’s wrong?”

Paramedics came rushing in and swept her away, Niall quickly following behind her still crying. I couldn’t believe what I had just seen. Tara was throwing up blood. There was only one thing I knew that could cause this and that was cancer. I can’t let myself even think about that. I sank to the cold bathroom floor, put my head in between my knees and cried.  The boys all came bursting into the bathroom...well all except Niall. Louis sat down and pulled me onto his lap as if I was a child. Zayn then pulled my head out of my knees and rested his forehead on mine.

“Don’t cry please” Zayn begged tears threatening to fall. I tried to bury my face into Louis shirt but Zayn took hold of my head and kissed my temple. Louis carried me bridal style to the car and we rushed off to the hospital. As soon as we arrived we saw Niall in the waiting room. I pulled from Louis grip and ran over to him.

“Niall what’s wrong with her?”

“She...she has...Leukaemia”


“Yeah pretty much” I pulled him into a hug and we just cried onto each other as we were feeling the same painful hurting inside. There really were no words to say. We could only let out our emotions.

“When can we see her?” As if by magic a nurse walked over to us.

“You may visit her now but only two at a time please”

Niall and I shared a look then I took his hand for support and we went into her room. She was fast asleep but looked pale and sick. There were loads of tubes, needles and machines attached to her. I dropped Niall’s hand and took a place next to her bed and Niall took the other. We each held one of her lifeless hands that lay next to her body. Niall placed a kiss on her lips and then her eyelids fluttered open and she attempted a half smile but you could see all the pain it held.

“Hey how are you feeling?” I asked,

“Better now and the doctors said that I won’t have to have chemotherapy because I’m looking like I will recover soon”

“How long has this been going on for?”

“Half a year”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to worry about me”

I let a tear slip from my eye and gently kissed her forehead before leaving her and Niall alone. I went back into the waiting room where Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis were still waiting.

“Hey how is she?”

“She says that she is fine but I know that she is just lying to keep us happy.”

Niall came out with puffy red eyes. You could tell he had been crying.

“Louis she wants to speak to you” Niall said. Louis looked confused but obeyed anyway.


Jess left the room, I presume to go and see Louis, leaving me and Tara alone. I rubbed my thumb over the back of her hand that I was holding onto tightly.

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now