I love you

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Louis POV

I walked back into her room Unsure of what just happened Between her and Harry. She looked tired fragile but she still managed to smile at me.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah better now but" I have something to tell you"

"What" I asked.

"I broke up with Harry"


"Because I have feelings for someone else and I can't lie to him"

Just at that moment Niall and Tara came bursting through the door. Perfect now I would have to wait longer to find out what she wanted.

"Jess are you okay we have been so worried about you" Niall said.

"Yeah I'm better"

"When can you go home?" Tara asked.

"They said today as long as I was making good progress... But I can't go back to university I have missed too many classes and they've kicked me out"

"Where will you stay and what will you do"

"I don't know I have no where to stay I might have two go and find my mum"

"But she ran away to France"

"Well she is my only option"

No she can't leave I need her. Then I had an idea.

"Why don't you live with us I am sure the boys wouldn't mind"

"Are you sure I don't want to be a burden"

"It would be so much fun if you live with us and you won't be a burden don't worry"

" Jessica you may leave now the doctors have discharged you" a nurse said.

I picked her up off the bed and placed her in a wheelchair that she would have to use for the next week or so. She was so light and fragile I couldn't bear seeing her like that. We checked her out the hospital and drove her back to the house which I shared with the boys. She had fallen asleep by the time we got there so I carried her up to my room. Then I went back down stairs to the boys. They all sat around looking rather anxious now nialll and Tara were looking awfully close. I hoped that they had finally admitted their feelings for each other. Well I'll find out later Or maybe they will just tell us.

"Lou can I talk to you" Niall asked. I nodded and was led to another room he brought Tara with him. I was unsure and a bit worried about what this could be about.

"Let's just start by saying me and Tara are official"

" guys I'm so happy for you but we all knew it was coming really"

"we also wanted to talk to you about Jess" Tara added. Shit. I knew it was coming. I'm not sure what I will say because Jess did say that she loved me but she never actually said she wanted to be a couple. But I love her and I did want her to be my girlfriend.

"We all know that Harry is not right for her so you need to make a move fast before she finds someone else" I guess they are right if I don't do something soon she will fail into the arms of another man and that would kill me.

"I know I realise that I willl try I just don't know what to say"

"Just tell her exactly how you feel." Well I guess it was going to be now or never otherwise I would have Niall and Tara on my case and till I did I guess I was just a bit scared.

Here goes nothing.

Taras POV

Louis walked out the room I presume to go and talk to Jess. Niall grabbed my hand and lead me back to his room. We snuggled on the bed under the covers just looking at each other. His beautiful blue eyes were locked on mine making butterflies soar through my stomach. I love this boy so much.

" I love you"

"I love you too"

He placed a gentle kiss on my lips but I wanted more pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss. He broke it apart.

"I never want to see you upset like that again it hurts me" He whispered

He was Just so perfect.

Jess POV

I woke up from a horrible nightmare sweating and shaking. I dreamt that Louis And the boys had enough of me and sent me to my mother. it was horrible my mum used to beat me and I didn't want to go back to living like that. I saw Louis at the door of my bedroom looking very worried. He came in and pulled me in to a tight hug and stroked my back.

"What happened baby" he asked.

" you.. You and the boys left me.. Sent me back to my mum." I cried making him hold me tighter.

"I would never ever leave you. Do you know why...because i love you"

" I broke up with Harry... Because I love you"

"You love me?"

"Always have always will. I just thought that you would never love me back"

" I thought you would never love me back.. Now that I know you do I want to ask you something...will you be my girlfriend.?" My heart leapt out of my chest and my stomach did a million flips.

"Yes" I replied before he crashed his lips onto mine and I let myself fall onto the bed so he was straddling my waist. The kiss deepened and Louis tongue found the entrance to my mouth. I knotted my fingers in his luscious hair.

"I love you" he breathed into the kiss sending shivers down my spine. I joined our lips again creating more sparks and fireworks. It was the most sensational feeling ever.

"I love you too"

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now