Waking up

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Dan stayed with me until I calmed down, then he put a movie on and we snuggled on the sofa. Eventually it got really late.

"Jess, I've really got to get back home"

"You can stay here if you want?" I offered.

"Yeah that would be great actually"

I showed him the guest bedroom and then proceeded to go to my own room. I fell asleep really quickly.


"We are never coming back from tour Jess, we don't want you" Harry spat.

"We want you out our house by the time we get back" Liam said. I left the house in tears and walked around London for hours. Eventually I remembered a place where I could go. Dan's. I walked to his house and knocked on the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" 

"Everyone left me, I thought..."

"Whatever you thought, you thought wrong. It was a one time thing and I don't want to see your face again"

"Please Dan, I have nowhere else"


Once again I left, but this time I had nowhere to go. No money, no food, nothing. I ducked in and out of cafe's until they kicked me out. Eventually I settled in McDonalds' doorway snuggling up under my coat and trying to fall asleep. My head was pounding from crying and it was raining. There was no way I was going to sleep today.


Somebody was shaking me to try and wake me up. I opened my eyes and there stood a very worried looking Dan.

"Are you okay, I heard you shouting and crying"

"I'm fine, just a bad dream that is all"

"Do you want me to stay in here?" He asked cautiously. I nodded and he jumped in next to me. The bed instantly felt warmer so I snuggled into his side as he wrapped his arm around me. I relaxed straight away and fell into a deep sleep.


I never thought that I would end up in this girl bed when I took her in, but I didn't realise that I would end up caring for her so much in such a short space of time. It is clear to me that she has been through a hell of a lot. She needed me now but I feared I was getting myself into a sticky situation here. I saw her blue eyes flutter open and small smile crept onto her face.

"Hey" She whispered.

"Hey, sleep well?"

"Better when you came"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah you just seem to have that effect on me"

"What putting you to sleep"

"No calming me"


"Yeah even though I've know you for a really short time you've just made me forget about all my worries"

"Good I'm glad. Right this is a long shot but do you want to spend the day with me and Phil today?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah I would love that. Lets get up and get dressed then" She smiled and climbed out of bed walking into her ensuite bathroom. I used the main bathroom down the hall to freshen up and then changed into the clothes I was wearing yestarday. When I was finished Jess was already dressed and waiting for me downstairs.

"Shall we go?"


I drove her back to our apartment where we spent hours baking and watching movies witth Phil then afterwards I drove her to a cute restaraunt.

"Okay I have another question for you. Again it's probably a long shot, but will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and immediatlet felt stupid.


A million thoughts rushed through my head. What about Louis? For God's sake Jess let him go he has Eleanor, he doesn't want you. So after a long silence I managed to come up with an answer.


And it felt so wrong.

A/N- I am so sorry this is so late, I am a terrible terrible person, please please don't hate me. Love you all so much and have a fabz summer :) xx

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