Double Date

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"Zayn, I'm gonna go check on him" I said climbing off the bed and walking out the room stopping outside the door of the room me and Louis shared. I heard muffled cries coming from inside the bedroom so I carefully and slowly pushed the door open. Louis was laying on the bed face down, crying into the pillows. I went over to the bed and sat down next to him.

"Babe, sit up and look at me" He did as I said letting a few stray tears fall from his eyes. I opened my arms and he fell into my embrace. I tightened my arms around him as he cried into my shoulder.

"You gonna tell my why you're crying"

He pulled out of the hug and sat up against the headboard pulling me onto his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair as I caught the few tears that fell down his cheek with my thumb.

"I just can't believe that my best friend could do such a thing to me and then there is always the chance that he could have made you fall for him. Then I would have lost you and I just can't lose you"

"Louis I would never even look at another boy as long as I have you. You are so perfect and unbelieveable I wonder how I ever got this lucky. I love you with all my heart and then some. You are my everything and I would never ever dream of losing you"


Me and Niall had headed off to the university. We needed a bit of peace and quiet from all the drama that was going on at home plus I had to hand in some coursework. I was worried about my check up at the hospital tomorrow. I was hoping for good news because when they released me they said that I looked as if I was recovering and if I carried on like this then the cancer would be gone in no time. Me and Niall had been really positive about it and he always makes sure that I am okay. He honestly acts like my husband already and I'm not complaining. I sat at my desk with my history coursework laid out infront of me. Yes I was really regretting trying to get a degree in history, It came with so much work and it stressed me out. But if I did this I could become a history teacher and I have always wanted to do that.

Niall had gone to the Uni canteen because he was complaining about missing his evening meal. I had to send him out in disguise because I didn't want to risk any of the fangirls mobbing him.  I went back to my revision. They had let me take some time off from university whilst I recovered from my illness. I have to start again next wednesday which is the day that the boys go on tour, they insisted on testing me as soon as I got back to make sure that I hadn't forgotten anything. As nice as the teachers were here they were still really strict when they needed to be.

"Hey babe I'm back" Niall said as he came into the room behind me. I could smell the hot food and my stomach rumbled. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and placed his chin on top of my head. 

"You know Niall this would be a lot easier if you weren't so distracting"

"I can't help it love. Anyway I got you some food so you have to stop for a bit while you come and eat it"

"Fine" I huffed and went over to the table in the corner where Niall had laid out the food. We ate in silence then went to sit on my bed.

"We finally managed to get some alone time" Niall said.

"Yeah otherwise we would have to be at home watching Harry and Louis kill each other"

"I've seen that too many times"

"Are you going to come to my check up tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Of course I am. I'm not going to let you go by yourself"

"Thank you. You know my Mum and Dad will really love you" I told him.

"Oh really? why?"

"Well because you look after me, you are so sweet and always put others first and I know you would never hurt me"

"My parents would love you too. Hey we should go out for a meal tomorrow after your appointment with our parents"

"Yeah sounds great but I thought your parents lived in Ireland (A/N- for the sake of the story Niall's parents are still together) "

"Yeah they do but they are coming to see me before tour. They are staying in London at the moment"

"Great I'll call my parents in a minute"

"Cool me too. You look so beautiful"

"Niall I am in joggers and I have no make up on"

"You look beautiful no matter what to me"

He kissed me softly on the lips and I kissed back. Our lips moved together as the kiss became more intense as our tongues danced together. He broke the kiss smirking.

"You should really call your parents"

"I hate you Niall Horan, you tease"

"I love you too babe"

I got up from the bed and grabbed my phone from the desk. Niall went in the bathroom to make his phone call. I dialled my mum's number and she answered after 4 rings.

"Hey sweetie pie"

"Hey mummy. I can't really chat but I have something to ask you"

"What is it baby?"

"I want you to meet Niall. His parents are in town this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a meal tomorrow night with them and me and Niall?"

"Yeah sweetie that sounds great me and your Dad can't wait to meet this Niall guy that we are always hearing about"

"He's great Mum you will love him"

"I'm sure I will."

"Anyways I better get going. So I will see you tomorrow"

"Yup. Bye honey"

"Bye Mummy love you"

"love you too darling"

She said and I hung up just as Niall walked back into the room.

"My parents are all okay with it"

"Yeah mine too. Now come on baby you need some sleep. You have an important appointment tomorrow"

"Yah okay" We climbed into my bed and snuggled close to each other falling asleep in that comfortable position.

JESS' POV ( in the morning- double date day)

I told Louis all about Zayn and Perrie last night so now I was getting ready to go out on our double date. I can't wait to meet Zayn's girlfriend. I am a secret mixer so I need to make sure not to fangirl in her presence. I put on a cute floral skater dress. It looked really summery. I braided my hair down one side fixing it with a bright pink flower and a brown plaited headband. I looked a bit hippy chick but I kind of liked it. I applied my make up and then went downstairs where Louis and Zayn were waiting for me.

"Wow babe you look gorgeous"

"Thanks. Now come on I can't wait to meet Perrie"

"Okay so you two go in Louis car, I will go and pick her up in Harry's car and then we will meet you at the shopping centre"

"Cool lets go" I said dragging Louis by the hand to his car. We drove away and were at the shopping centre within about 10 minutes. Louis dragged me into some shop when I got a call from Zayn.

"Hey Zaynie"

"Hey Jess. We are here. Just outside Jack Wills"

"Hang on.. Oh wait I can see you. One sec let me just go get Louis"

I hung up the phone and pulled Louis away from the shop and towards Zayn and Perrie. Oh my Jesus she is so beautiful I may die.

"Perrie this is Jess, Jess this is Perrie"

We both squealed at the same time and hugged each other while the boys gave us funny looks. Perrie linked arms with me and we skipped away.

"To the shops" She shouted. 

"Well Zayn I think that our girlfriends are going on a date without us"

"Yeah when I said double datw this is not what I had in mind"

Me and Perrie both giggled but continued skipping to Jack Wills. Today was going to be fun.

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now