Larry Stylinson break up

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I Had been driving round for hours looking for Jess. I'd rang her about 30 times and still got no answer. Had she run out of petrol and can't get back? Had she been in a crash? Dear God please don't say she was in a crash. My phone rang but it was only Tara again.



"Any news?"

"Yeah she rang us just a few minutes ago asking if you were okay and if you had heard what had happened"

"Is she okay?"

"She wouldn't tell me where she was but she didn't sound like she was in any kind of danger"

"Okay I'll try ringing her again"

""Okay Bye"

"Bye" I hung up then dialled Jess number hoping for an answer.


"Oh my God Jess are you okay? where are you? Are you safe?"

"Louis slow down. I'm safe. I need to talk to you before I go back to the house"

"Okay where are you. I'll come fnd you"

"Okay I've ran out of petrol on the side of the motorway. Just don't bring anybody else"

"Right I think I am near you. I won't be long"

Sure enough within 10 minutes I saw my girlfriend curled up in a ball next to my car, crying. I pulled over and hopped out the car running over to where she was.

"Oh Jess, what's wrong? Tell me what happened" I wrapped my arm around her shaking body. She was shaking from crying and shaking from the cold.

"I can't tell you, I'm scared"

"Scared of what?"

"Scared that you will hate me, scared that you won't love me anymore"

"That won't ever happen I promise you"

"Okay then, Harry...Harry...he kissed me" Anger burned deep inside me but I managed to stay calm and control it.

"Did you kiss back?"


"Well then you have done nothing wrong. C'mon lets get you home"

"What about the car?"

"I'll get Paul to get it later"

I helped her up off the ground and led her to my car, opening the door so that she could get in. The car journey home was completley silent apart from BBC Radio 1 playing in the background. I couldn't take my mind off what she had just told me. How dare he kiss my girlfriend. He knows how much I love her. Does he like her? He is never going to hear the end of this when I get home. But she didn't kiss him back which means that she really must love me to be able to resist Harry. What angers me the most is that he did this to her, he made her blame herself and there was always the possibility that she could have left me for him. I don't know what I would do if that happened. After and hour and a half ride home we finally pulled up at the house. Tara and Niall had gone to the university, she starts uni again as soon as we go on tour next week. Jess looked really nervous and antsy as we got into the house. She's probably worried about seeing Harry.

"Go and talk to Zayn for a bit, I just have a few things to take care of" She nodded weakly before heading upstairs to Zayn's room. Harry picked that time to emerge from the bathroom and into the living room where I was standing. I glared at him and could feel the anger bubbling inside of me as his eyes pleaded with mine.

"Look mate I'm sorry, I don't know what the hell came over me. I honestly can't tell you how sorry I am " He practically begged.

"Cut the crap Harry. You could have picked any girl in the whole entire world but you had to pick mine. You are supposed to be my best friend but seriously I can't deal with you anymore. That's it Harry. I'm done" I was almost screaming at him.

"Louis please wait, can't we just talk" he called after me as I started to walk away. I spun on my heels so that we were face to face again.

"I have nothing to say to you" I spat before storming off to my bedroom.


I went up to Zayn's room as Louis instructed. Louis was clearly going to have an argument with Harry and he just didn't want me to be there. Louis was pissed...big time and I hated myself for being the cause of all of this.

"ZAYN!" I called.

"IN HERE" I opened the door to find him on the bed texting. He has been so much happier recently and I think that he has probably met a girl.

"Hey babe. What's up? You don't look to good"

"I'm guessing you didn't hear then"

"Nah babe, I've been out all day"

"Well... Harry kissed, Don't worry I kneed him in the balls and ran away. I ended up breaking down on a motorway about and hour and a half away but Louis came and found me. I told him the whole story now he is really pissed off and I think that he has gone to find Harry"

"Oh Shit. Right don't blame yourself because this is clearly Harry's fault. But the problem is when they fight, they fight like girls. They are so bitchy to each other, they ignore each other. Last time we had to do like a Jeremy Kyle type thing so that they would talk to eachother again."

"Oh God" I put my head in my hands and fell backwards onto the bed where Zayn was lying.

"Somebody looks like they need a big Zayn cuddle" I nodded my head and we both sat up before he pulled me into a really tight hug.

"You're like my little sister and I feel like I can trust you with anything. So can I tell you a secret and you promise not to tell the boys or Tara. You can tell Louis though"

"Yeah go for it big brother"

"I got a girlfriend today"

"Oh my god! Who?"

" Perrie from Little Mix" he blushed.

"Oh my God Zayn she is so gorgeous. When do I get to meet her?"

"Well we are going shopping tomorrow so why don't you tell Louis about Perrie and we can double date"

"Oh My God yes! Zayn you are amazing" I said finally pulling out of his embrace. We both sat there and chatted for about 5 minutes until we heard stomping and a door slam. Oh God here we go...

A/N- Sorry guys I feel like I haven't updated forever. I have a lot on my plate with homeworks and rehersals for the school show. I also have a lot on my mind. I'm having quite a rough time at the moment and my mood may have reflected in the chapter with the whole best friend argument thing. I would explain but I don't want to bore you. If you do really wanna know inbox me because I could use someone to talk to. Anywayssss.. hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'll try and update as much as possible this weekend but I am having a sleepover so no promises. Love you all my little unicorns. Jess xxx

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