Things have a funny way of turning out

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LOUIS POV ~the morning~

I thought long and hard about what I needed to do to make everything better. I thought of loads of idead that could work, but they would only be short term solutions. I need long term solutions, solutions that mean I can spend the rest of my life with the girl I love. This morning it hit me like a tonne of bricks, i knew exactly what I had to do. It was going to be hard, but it was the only real way. I was going to do it tonight at the concert. I picked up my phone and dialled Tara's number.


"Hey Tara, look I don't have much time and I know you are probably so mad at me, but you have to let me explain something"

"Fine" She sighed.

"I want to make it up to Jess tonight at the concert. I have everything planned out, but there is one thing I can't do"

"And what would that one thing be?"

"I need you to make sure she is front row at the concert tonight. I don't care how the hell you do it, but just please do it for me."

"Okay fine, but I swear to God Louis if you do anything to hurt her tonight I will personally rip off your balls and feed them to a pack of hungry dogs"

"Don't worry, everything will be fine...I hope"

"Okay then, I'll see you tonight"

"Yeah and thanks again"

"No problem, Bye"


Now that was sorted I could relax slightly. I was nervous for what would happen tonight. Everything could go perfectly or it could be a complete disaster.


I got off the phone and set about helping Louis. As much as I hated his guts right now and really didn't want to help I did like the idea of being almost like an undercover spy. 


"In here babe!"

"Where's here?"

"Oh yeah, I'm in the kitchen"

I walked to Dan's kitched where everyone was sat round eating.

"Niall do you think you could get me and Jess front row seats to tonights concert?"

"Yeah I am sure that would be fine" This secret mission might not be so hard after all.

"Hang on, I don't want to cause any trouble with Eleanor or Louis" Jess began. I retract my last statement.

"Please Jess it will be fine. Eleanor isn't going tonight and we haven't spent time together for ages"

"Okay I guess I could go one night"

"Awesome, It's already three and we will need to leave by about half 5 so shall we start getting ready"

"Yeah cool lets do it"

We both took about half an hour in the shower then we began to get ready. I left Jess' hair curly because I know Louis likes it best like that. I then let her do her normal make up and I did the same. We then had to choose our dresses. I picked out a simple short pink dress and went to the bathroom and got changed. When I got back Jess had her dress on and my God did she look stunning. She had on a short blue dress with purple highlights and silver beads decorating the top.

"Am I too overdressed?" She asked.

"No it's perfect, now come on or we will be late" She drove us to the concert venue becasue she was the only one who could drive out of the two of us. When we got there we saw queues of fans with signs screaming and waiting to go inside. We showed the guards our passes and they let us through the gates. We quickly found our seats and about 15 minutes later the fans started to pile in. I sent a quick text to Louis to let him know.

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now