Don't hurt her

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This bit is before Jess goes into a coma..okay


Louis was there when I woke up. I was suprised it wasn't Harry but I couldn't have asked for anyone better to wake up to. He turned to me suddenly looking very serious.

"Jess I have to tell you something. It's hard for me to say but I want to be nothing but honest with you. Just please here me out before you say anything" I became worried. Did he hate me, what the hell was going on.


"Remember when we met and then I took you out for coffee. Then Eleanor showed up. She told me that if I didn't stay away from you then she would tell the whole world that me and her were only fake dating. I hope you understand that I had to do it because otherwise I would be in so much trouble with management and if they then saw me out with you they would presume that we were dating and Eleanor was just a cover up. I didn't want you to get all the hate. You have to understand I was only trying to protect you. But I never stopped thinking about you ever. I didn't stop thinking about you because.. Because I was in love with you...scrap that I am in love with you and have been ever since I first met you. I know you probably love Harry and I am stupid to think that you would ever return the love  have for you. But I had to tell you. I have to know that you don't want me...Tell me you don't want me and I will stop this"

I sat there shocked. Shocked at what Louis just said but also shocked because I realised that I loved him. I love him. What about Harry. I can't break his heart but I can't lie to him. I have always loved Louis. I felt my eyes suddenly begin to close but I managed to say one thing before everything went black.

"I love you too Louis"


I spilled my heart out to Jess. Telling her all my feelings and everything that had happened. She sat there with a shocked look on her face. I knew that she would never like me back but I had to try. She sat there stunned for a while but then her eyes started to shut and she said one thing before her eyes shut and she blacked out.

"I love you too Louis"

Now it was my turn to be in shock but that didn't last for long I had to get Jess help. I ran into the corridor and found a nurse standing near her room.

"Help me please she just blacked out" The nurse rushed into the room forcing me to stay outside. Soon more doctors and nurses rushed into her room. What felt like hours later a short blonde nurse approached me.

"She was in shock causing her to fall into a coma. We are unsure why she was in shock we also are unsure of how long she will be like this. She is not completley stable but the doctors are working on that. You may go in and see her."

I slowly approached her bed. She was so pale and looked so fragile. She didn't look alive which scared me. Then it hit me like a tonne of bricks. This was my fault. I should have waited until she was better. How could I be so selfish. I cried and cried for what felt like hours until Liam came in. He must have decided to check up on Jess aswell. What suprised me is that Harry wasn't here yet. Was he really 'stuck in traffic'?.

" Lou mate you okay?" Liam asked. You know when you are upset and trying to hold in the tears but then someone asks if you are okay and you just break down crying. Thats what happened.

"It's my fault she is in a coma Li. She was awake but then I did this"

"How Louis how can this possibly be your fault?" If only he was there. If only he knew.

"I told her I loved her and it put her into a state of shock."

"Well Lou if you feel as if you did this. Then you have to fix it... Talk to her.. i'll leave you alone"

"Thanks Li" He gave me a sad smile before leaving me and Jess alone.

"Hey beautiful. I am so sorry I did this to you but please wake up for me. Please baby I have to talk to you." I squeezed her hand tightly as if she would dissapear. Then she squeezed it back. She can hear me I have to keep talking " Please I need to see your beautiful eyes. I need to see you alive and safe because I will not rest until you do. Funny thing is you still look beautiful and stunning even when you are ill just please wake up. I know it is hard just try and open those eyes.. for me."

She squeezed my hand again letting me know that she was trying. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and connected with mine.


"I'm here babe.. I am right here I wont leave you I promise"

"I need to talk to Harry"

As if by magic a flustered Harry came rushing through the door. I got up and left the room watching what was going on from the window. Jess slowly rubbed her hand over Harry's shoulder before pulling him into a hug. He looked almost relieved when he left. He walked to me placing a strong hand on my shoulder.

" Go get her Lou. Just don't hurt her"

"Wouldn't dream of it'

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now