Kiss me fool

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When I woke up Louis had already gone...either that or he was eaten by some sort of English bear in the night. I rolled out of bed and unzipped the tent. I went inside to the kitchen where everybody was eating. When I walked in they all looked at me, jaws dropping open. What the hell? Crap I was still in those slutty pyjamas that Louis made me wear last night.

"Oh crap" I said looking down at myself then frantically looking around the room for something to put over the top of them. Everybody found this highly amusing. I on the other hand not so much. Zayn finally decides to be helpful and stands in front of me to stop the others from looking before taking his top off and handing it to me. I put it over the top and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Zayn"

"Anytime honey" 

Louis just stood there smirking and looking very pleased with himself.

"I think I liked it better before" He said pulling me into his bear chest.

"Yeah me too" Harry added. I sent a playful glare in his direction wheras Louis tensed up. Clearly he had just realised that all his friends had seen me in sexy, slutty pyjamas that exposed loads of my body, highlighting the 'best parts' if you know what I am saying. 

"Your girlfriend is really fit Lou" Harry joked. I grabbed some syrup and squirted it in his hair and face. It was so funny.

"You are going to have to run really fast" 

"RUN JESS RUN!!!!" Louis shouted as I jumped over the sofa and ran up the stairs. We chased eachother around upstairs laughing our heads off at each other. I ran into his bedroom and tried to find a place to hide but there wasn't anywhere. Harry came into his room smirking.

"No escaping now" He cornered me so I was pressed up against the wall. His breath tickled my lips and a smirk spread across his face. He leant in and pressed his lips to mine. I went rigid putting my hands on his chest to try and push him off but he held me firmly in place trying to make my lips move. I started to cry as he forced me harder against the wall. I managed to break the kiss by kicking him in the groin then running away. I ran straight downstairs and out the door grabbing Louis car keys on the way out. I drove for hours and I didn't even know where I was going but I cried the whole time.


I don't even know what happened but I knew Harry had done something bad. Jess was all hyper and happy this morning then I leave her with Harry for what like 2 minutes and she storms out the house crying. She took my car and has been gone for 2 hours. I have been driving around looking for her in Harry's car. He hasn't told me what he did and I have a feeling Jess won't either. I just know that I need to find her and fast. Tara rang me.

"Hey Tara"

"Have you found her yet"

"No not yet I'm still looking"

"She could be anywhere by now"

"Do you know what happened?"

"No. Just call me if there is any news"

"Okay Bye"

"Bye" She said hanging up on me and I focused back on my driving.


I felt horrible as I lied to Louis over the phone. I forced Harry to confess the second Louis left the house. It just wasn't one of those things you could tell somebody over the phone. Harry has been a mess since, he blames himself entirely and damn right he should. I just hope that Jess is safe and healthy wherever she is.

"Hey babe you okay... You look a bit frantic"

"If I tell you something you have to promise not to tell anybody. Okay"

"Yeah Okay" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bedroom and we sat down on his bed. 

"Harry kissed Jess" Niall looked like someone had just hit him round the face with a saucepan.

"Is that why she ran off"


"What is that dick trying to do... Is he trying to make Jess cheat on Louis"

"Niall baby chill out. These are their problems we can't get involved without causing them all problems. It's best we just leave it and offer them our support if they want it"

"Yeah I guess so. I just hope he never tries anything with you"

"If he did I'd kick him so hard that he would have to go to hospital"

"Yeah but who would want the ugliest member of One Direction when they can have the attractive flirt" 

"Erm me stupid. Have you looked in the mirror recently Niall. You are stunning. Look at me" I put my finger underneath his chin and lifted up his head so he was facing me. "Never ever doubt yourself Niall James Horan you are the most perfect person I have ever met and I love you with all my heart. You are my little snowflake" I kissed him gently on the lips.

"How did I ever get so lucky?"

" I ask myself that every single day"

"You are so beautiful" He said, breath tickling my already tingling lips.

"I love you"

"I love you too" He crashed our lips together and the force pushed me back onto the bed so that he fell ontop of me. His hands went to my hair tugging at it lightly. His lips tasted like chocolate. Probably from all the waffles he had this morning.  God how I loved him.

I had been at the studio with Perrie all day today watching her do her photoshoot. God she looked so stunning. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her off to the dressing room.

"Can I ask you something Perrie?"

"Yeah sure Zayn anything" Her sweet geordie accent was like music to my ears making my heart race.

"I have really liked the time we have spent together recently. I really really like you, you are beautifully stunning, sweet and amazing and I wanted to ask of you would do me the honour of being my girlfriend"

"I thought that you would never ask"

"Is that a Yes then"

"Of course it is a yes"

"I don't even know what to do now" I grinned.

"Kiss me you fool"

I didn't waste any time and connected our lips together pulling her as close as humanly possible. The sparks exploded with every touch. This was the kiss and the girl that I had been waiting and longing for.

One way or another you are giving me a heart attack ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now