Fighting Style/Make Up

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Josh- Fight?! What does that mean? There is no such thing for you two. If one disagrees on something the other will simply give in. That or you reasonably work it out.

Simon- Fighting isn't that uncommon for you two. You guys will try your best to avoid fights but it's the little things that gets under both of your skin. Sometimes the fights get out of hand but you'll make up as passionately as the fights were.

JJ- Your fights work like a domino affect. Something bad will happen causing one of you to be upset. You then take it out the other causing them to be upset as well. It normally takes another sidemen to be the counselor.

Tobi- Silent fights are your type. You guys just make it more tense and awkward for everyone in the room. However, you two will have worked it out somehow the next day.

Vik- You guys blow things out of proportion. You'll do something that the other doesn't like. It'll then be twisted into something else. Luckily the fighting itself never gets TOO heated.

Ethan- In one ear out the other. One of you will be rambling and complaining to the other but that person refuses to listen. So you just sit not helping but not arguing either.

Harry- Your guys fights are usually really short. He always feels so bad afterwards because he knows how much fighting upsets you. Therefore fights aren't that common.

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