Vik Rant

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Since it is Vik's birthday...

Lets talk about what an aMAZEing person he is. First, everything about him is just so cute. His cheerful laugh, his face, his incredible puns. He loves cereal. Not to mention all the inside jokes and nicknames.

•He's fookin 'elmet boy m8!

•The sand prince.


•The tomahawk king!

•Unpaid worker.

•Vikklan... or Zerkstar...

•Vikktoria Secret

•2x the wheels=2x the fastness.

•He does what he wants!

He is an incredibly hard worker and is so genuinely thankful for all of us. He loves what he does and puts all this dedication, time, and love into his work. I couldn't be thankful enough for him being part of my life. He's the one who introduced me to the Sidemen. I just get so emotional and protective over him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIKKSTAR123! WE LOVE YOU! 😘💗🌟

-See ya!
(Photo credit to tumblr. Not mine)

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