Embarassing Moment

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Josh- Well, there was this one time when you rolled off the bed in the middle of the night waking everyone up.

Simon- You guys blasted some music and started dancing on the bed one morning. You were pant-less and Simon was shirtless. When Josh walked in wide-eyed.

JJ- Remember that time when you were drunk and mistook a stranger for JJ? Yeah, I brought that back up.

Tobi- Back in Uni you guys were texting in class. The teacher saw, took your phones, and read them in front of the class.

Vik- It sucks when you're playfully teasing with your boyfriend at Ikea and knock down a stack of toys.

Ethan- Once you guys were trying to juggle with some controllers. They were the Sidemen's so it was pretty bad when you dropped them and they broke. In front of Vik.

Harry- prank gone wrong You guys tried to pull the classic "bucket on the door" prank on Vik. However, you and Harry had forgotten what door it was on and ended up getting it spilled on you two instead!

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