Cuddling With Him

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Suggested by @EmBiersack !

Josh- He is a big cuddler! Every night when he is done recording and editing he'll sit in bed and watch Netflix with you until you both fall asleep.

Simon- Simon likes it when you guys face each other in bed that way he can just stare at your beauty. Meanwhile you run your fingers through his hair.

JJ- You like to sit on JJ's lap so you can get as close to him as possible. You guys like to exchange sweet kisses before it becomes heated.

Tobi- Right before you guys go to sleep, you like to lay on top of Tobi. This way, he can draw circles on your back and you can play with his face.

Vik- It's tough to get cuddle time with Vik since he often livestreams at night with The Pack. So when you do get time, you make it counts by holding each other tight and not moving unless for the bathroom or more snacks.

Ethan- You strive for Ethan's cuddles. Nothing makes you feel better than being nestled in his arms and kissed on the forehead ever so often.

Harry- Harry always, always, always sets aside special time just to snuggle with you. You guys will lay on the couch wrapped in blankets watching TV.

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