You Have a Nightmare

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Also suggested by @EmBiersack !

Josh- "Let me GO!" you screamed, squirming. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up your dreaming!" Josh shook you awake. As soon as your eyes opened, your arms flew around Josh. "Baby what happened?" Josh pulled you closer. Your breathing was still heavy and fast as you spoke, "I was being chased... and I was running... and he grabbed me... and I don't wanna talk about it." Josh rubbed your back. "It's okay. I'm here and I'm not going to let anyone take you away." You both fell asleep shortly after as he held you in a tight embrace, making you feel safe.

Simon- You gasped as you shot straight up. It was the worst nightmare you had in long time. You pushed the loose hairs away from your face and wiped some of the sweat from your forehead. "(Y/N)? Why are you awake?" Simon was still up editing a video. "I just had a bad dream is all." you down played it. He raised one eyebrow because he could see you were still shaking. "Do you want me to come to bed?" he asked. Instead of saying anything, you nodded your head and pulled your knees to your chest. Simon took off his headset and turned off everything, then he climbed bed with you.

JJ- You sat up frantically looking around the room. JJ was still laid peacefully next to you. "JJ? JJ, babe wake up." you poked him until his eyes opened. "Wh-what's up love?" his voice still groggy. "I had a nightmare. I need you." You opened your arms for your boyfriend. He took you into a hug and brought you back down under the sheets. "Do you want to talk about?" he asked. You shook your head, burying it into his neck.

Tobi- The house creaked saving you from falling in your horrible dream. You shifted a bit in the bed and laid there waiting to go back asleep, but you didn't. So instead you got up and started drawing at your desk. An hour passed when Tobi stirred awake. "(Y/N), where'd you go?" he whispered sitting up. "I'm right here. Don't worry, Tobs." He pulled the blankets off and walked over to you, "Why are you up at... 2 am?" "I had bad dream and I couldn't fall back asleep." you looked up at his sweet, sleepy face. "Come back to bed it's alright." Tobi rubbed your back. You sighed, "Alright." You snuggled up to him fell asleep within minutes.

Vik- "Vikky! Vik! Wake up, please!" you shook him. "Sweetie what's wrong?" he sat up. "I had another one." and by "another one" you meant another nightmare. They've been coming almost every night for the past two weeks. "Was it the same as the others?" Vik hugged you tightly and kissed your cheek. "No, this time it was about a plane crash..." you paused as tears started to fall, "I don't want to think about." "That's okay. You don't have to." Vik rested his head on yours.

Ethan- You groaned when you looked at the bright screen of your phone to see another hour passed of no sleep(i can just hear JJ in the back). A nightmare had woken you up and you tried everything you could to go back to sleep but you stilled rolled, wide awake in your covers. That's when you decided to call Ethan. "Angel, what are you doing calling me so early?" he sounded genuinely worried. "I had a nightmare and I couldn't fall back asleep so I wanted to call you." He stayed up with you all night until you fell asleep mid-sentence.

Harry- You pushed the covers off of you and you left the room for the kitchen. You grabbed a drink and a blanket and then curled up on the couch. Shorty afterwards, Harry came out in nothing but his boxers. "(Y/N)? Why aren't you in bed?" he asked scratching his head. "I had a bad dream and I didn't want to wake you up." "Well, I'm up now so," he hopped over the couch and snuggled up to you.

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