5.1K 53 17

I'm starting by celebrating the fact this has reached over 500K views. This has only been up a year and few months so I guess that counts as fast growth. Thank you to all the eyes who looked in this book!!

But seeing that number, and of thinking about this multiple times, I'm officially ending this preference book. I guess it was kind of obvious this book was already rip but I thought I'd make it official.

This is the first thing I ever made on my account so it's like my baby I guess. It's just sad because even though I wasn't posting anything, I was still on here and the book was still alive as if something might happen. But now I know it won't. At least I had fun and made memories. So thank you for being part of my journey/beginning. Even if you're reading this way after I ended it.

-See ya! 😘✌️ #puncrew

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