Type of Boyfriend He is

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Josh- Josh would be the kindest boyfriend. He will constantly remind you how beautiful you are, and what he loves about you. You guys hold hands a lot. Josh makes you feel safe and loved. He would be silly with you all the time. He's not necessarily protective but he would stand up for you anytime.

Simon- Simon would treasure you and never want to let go. Sometimes he's real smooth and others he doesn't make english. He would get jealous really easily. You'll often find Simon just staring at you. He loves to kiss you at random times. Together you guys are the ultimate dorks. Simon feels so lucky to have you.

JJ- JJ would make you feel like a queen. He would do anything for you. He'd constantly make you laugh and give you plenty of attention. You guys would have an honest relationship. If something's wrong you'd tell the other. He likes to show you off and go on holiday with you all the time.

Tobi- Tobi would always put you before himself. He'd make you feel important and support you through thick and thin. Tobi would try super hard to make you happy all the time. Tobi loves to give you gifts unexpectedly just because.

Vik- Vik would be the sweetest boyfriend. He'd always try to impress you and do everything he can for you. He'd remember the simplest of things from your birthday to favourite flavor of ice cream. Vik always knows exactly what to say to make you feel better.

Ethan- Ethan would be your best friend. He'd be super cuddly and love to spend time with you. Ethan would also be that super protective boyfriend. He's been in six fights before and he'd add a couple more if it were for you. You guys would also have sentimental moments where you just sit and talk.

Harry- Harry would be a real cute boyfriend. You two would be super silly together, like children. Harry would also be a protective boyfriend and try to act all tough sometimes. He'd constantly hold you in tight embraces. Harry would give you lots of cute nicknames.


-See ya😎

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