How He Messes Up Your Date

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Josh- Accidentally tripped the waiter who dropped the drinks on you. Classic.
Simon- Couldn't remember where he parked the car. (An hour later...)
JJ- Took you to Nandos as a joke but it really just pissed you off.
Tobi- Called you his "sidehoe" as play on the whole dating a Sidemen thing.
Vik- "If I were to compare you to a car, you'd be a Land Rover." ... "As in I can take you anywhere!"
You: "Are you sure you didn't mean, unreliable or high cost of ownership?"
Ethan- He rushed through the date because he had a hair appointment.
Harry- He brought some of his friends. Only 3...

A/N- Happy Valentines Day! Who's single forever like me?!?!

-See ya😭😘

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