It's An Accident (Pt. 1)

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Josh- You were pacing back and forth in the kitchen. It turns out you were eleven weeks pregnant and it's a complete accident. "You alright babe?" Josh walked in. "Oh, yeah." you lied. "Then will you stop walking so fast." He grabbed a hold of you. You nervously laughed. "Okay. What are you hiding from me?" he asked. "You promise you'll love me no matter what?" you checked. Josh nodded his head. "I'm... pregnant." He stared at you before saying, "Oh god. Well, um, okay then." A strange smile spread on his face.

Simon- You found out you were pregnant two days ago. You had no idea how to tell Simon, but it has to be soon before he notices your new habits. You sat on your bed, tears slowly running down your cheeks. "(Y/N), what's wrong baby?" Simon quickly ran over to you. Nows your chance to just tell him. "I'm sorry. It broke." you cried. "What did? First my camera, now what?" He put an arm around you. You hesitated for a moment before shouting, "The condom! Simon I'm pregnant!" His arm left you as he slowly leaned away. "What?" he breathed. "I-I'm not mad, I just... need a moment." Simon said getting up and leaving to his room.

JJ- You continued heaving into the toilet. You knew you were pregnant but you didn't have the courage to tell JJ. "(Y/N), I think it's time I take you to the hospital." JJ decided. "No! I don't need to go." you argued. "You've been throwing up for the past three days." JJ countered. "I have something to tell you. And I'm sorry." you pre apologised. JJ raised an eyebrow. "Well it's actually more your fault." "Just tell me." JJ sighed. "I'm pregnant." His eyes widened. "What?! Oh, fuck. What are we going to do?!" JJ panicked. "I don't know but whatever happens please don't leave me." you begged. "Don't worry, baby, I would never do that."

A/N- I wasn't happy with the last post so I wrote this. I'm going to delete that last one. (First Kiss)

-See ya!

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