Moving In

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Josh- You actually moved in before you started dating. This was because of how you had broke up with your boyfriend and had nowhere else to go.

Simon- Both you and Simon were really excited to have you move into the Sidemen house. The rest of the guys were as well.

JJ- You wanted to move in with JJ sooner but Josh, along with Simon and Vik, didn't approve. So you waited until JJ had his own flat.

Tobi- Since you guys were in Uni together, you decided that you would buy your first house together when you both graduated. And so you did.

Vik- Vik wasn't sure how the schedule was going to work. He was afraid you wouldn't like having everyone in their rooms all day. But it all worked out. Lucky for the rest of the guys they got another unpaid worker.

Ethan- Originally you didn't live with Ethan because he lived in his parents house. Now that he's moved out and into his own place, you moved in with him.

Harry- Even though you have your own place in the same building as Harry, it's like you live in his. You would move in if you could but it's already full with the two Cals as well.

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