You Miss Him

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Josh- The bed is a lot bigger than you thought huh? It just doesn't feel right without Josh right by your side. It reminds you of how much you love him.

Simon- Sometimes Simon leaves to visit his family. Even if it's only for a couple of days, you'll feel incomplete without Simon.

JJ- Your life seems to become so boring and dull without JJ. You wish you could come with him to the conventions but you have work.

Tobi- When Tobi goes out of town for bit you get down. You feel left out of the fun but he'll always bring back a gift.

Vik- Remember that Vik has more friends than the Sidemen. He still visits The Pack but sometimes it's up to a week he's gone. You just prepare a welcome back surprise for him.

Ethan- You always worry something will happen to Ethan when your not there. Therefore he makes sure to call everynight.

Harry- You really miss Harry's company when he's gone. So while he's away you watch his videos so you don't feel so alone.

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