You Slap Him(Pt.2)

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Tobi- You sat leaned against your chair with a cool breeze coming from the open window. You were chewing your pencil looking for inspiration when you spotted a fly larger than normal buzzing around. You leant down and grabbed your shoe and began swinging it at the bug. Chasing it down the hallway, it landed on wall right outside Tobi's room. You hid inside counting down to pop around and smack the fly. When you jumped around, the shoe in your hand made contact with something else in the way. Tobi's face. You began laughing at his confused and hurt reaction as the bug flew away. Tobi just stepped over you as you rolled on the floor in a fit of laughter.

Vik- You were playing COD(which you're decent at) with Ethan and Vik and Simon were spectators. "Vik! Stop touching me! I'm actually trying to win!" you growled. He kept playing with your hair and touching your face. His hands suddenly fell in front of your face blocking your view. "Ugh! VIK!" you screeched. Ethan killed you while distracted by Vik. Simon just sat in the back laughing and cheering Ethan on. "Aww emon." Vik smiled. Simon shot him a glare. "Oi, shut up." Thats when Vik did one thing that pushed you over the edge. "BOO!" He scared you and made you drop the controller disconnecting you. All the other boys started laughing at you. "I HATE YOU!" You whipped around slapping Vik harder than you meant to. Quickly you apologized and kissed him.

Ethan- Your guys date night was just about to end but not before a couple last drinks at your house. The kiss slowly turned heated. You saw it as just a make out session but Ethan saw it as an opportunity for more. His hand began to slide up your shirt but you pushed it away. He tried repeatedly but you denied his access each time. Ethan attempted one last time but it only distracted you from the fact that his other hand was now up your skirt. Done with his antics you slapped him hard across the face.

Harry- You and Harry were having a game of FIFA for his channel. He was beating you by two nil up. "Give up, (Y/N)!" Harry announced. "Never!" you proclaimed shoving Harry a little bit. Your Sturridge was running towards his goal. "Oh shit!" he shouted, jumping in his chair. "Yes, yes," you took a shot and the ball landed cleanly in his goal. "Yes!" you cheered. You threw your hands up in excitement, accidentally hitting Harry in the face. "Ow! You just back handed me." Harry whined, rubbing his nose. "Oops, I'm sorry baby." you planted a kiss on his nose.

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